I WAYAN SUARTANA (Adv : Dr. Bambang Riyanto L.S., MBA), Dr. Bambang Riyanto L.S., MBA
Menghadapi lingkungan yang semakin turbulance, organisasi banyak melakukan perubahan. Perubahan tersebut berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan pekerjaan karyawan termasuk internal auditor, Lingkungan pekerjaan yang mengalami volatilitas menyebabkan internal auditor mengalarni gangguan psikologis
berupa job insecurity. Hal ini logis terjadi karena internal auditor adalah bagian dari karyawan perusahaan, dimana sebagai tenaga kerja profesional, internal auditor
mungkin merasakan segala perubahan, dinamika dan stress dalam lingkungan kerjanya. Job insecurity adalah ketidakberdayaan untuk mempertahankan kesinambungan dalam kondisi kerja yang terancam.
Studi ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh job insecurity, antesedert job insecurity (perubahan organisasional, konfiik peran dan ketidakjelasan peran), dan potensi
konsekuensi job insecurity yaitu komitmen organisasional, kepuasan kerja, kinerja dan keinginan berpindah. Secara spesifik bertujuan menguji konstruk job insecurity
dengan niertggunakan pengukuran multidimensional seperti yang ditemukan oleh Greenhaigh dan Rosenblatt (1984) dart diuji oleh Ashford da. (1989).
Responden yang berpartisipasi dalam studi ini adalah internal auditor hotel berbintang di Propinsi Bali. Penelitian dilakukan mielalui metode survei dengan data
dikumpulkan secara purposive. Kuesioner yang dianalisis berjumlah 104 dad 260 yang dikirim dan 1.14 yang ken-I:balk
Analisis ini menggunakan persamaan struktural dan i program_ AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) hasilnya mengindikasikan bahwa konflik peran berpengaruh terhadap job insecurity, job insecurity merripunyai konsekuensi signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional. Analisis AMOS juga mengindikasikan
bahwa keinginan berpindah dipengaruhi langsung oleh job insecurity dan tidak langsung lewat kepuasan kerja, ini berarti semakin tinggi job insecurity, maka semakin tinggi keinginan berpindah dan semakin tinggi kepuasan kerja, maka
semakin rendah keinginan berpindah. Dengan demikian upaya menurunkan keinginan berpindah dilakukan dengan menurunkan level konflik peran, job insecurity dan meningkatkan level kepuasan kerja.
The increasing environmental turbulence has forced organizations to carry out organizational changes in order to adapt the environment. The organizational
adjustments quite often affect the internal stability of the organizations because such changes often increase the volatility of work environment that can potentially creates employees' psychological disorder. An example of employees' psychological effects that restrain employees from performing at their best is job insecurity, Job insecurity is the feeling of powerlessness to maintain desired continuity in a threatened job situation,
The present study is designed to investigate antecedents of job insecurity and the potential consequences of job insecurity on commitment, job satisfaction, job performance, and turnover intentions. It is hypothesized that organizational changes, role conflict and ambiguity are significant causes of job insecurity and that high job insecurity leads to reduce commitment, low job satisfaction, and low performance. To measure job insecurity, the study uses multidimensional instrument developed by Greerihalgh and Rosenblatt (1984). Unlike other studies in the area, this study examines antecedent and consequences of job insecurity among internal auditors in the hotel industry.
A total of 260 questionnaires were distributed to internal auditors work in hotels in Bali. One hudred and fourteen questionnaires were received, but only 104 questionnaires are analyzable (a 43 response rate). Ten questionnaires are
dropped because they are incomplete.
The hypotheses were tested by using AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures), a structural equation technique. The results indicate that role conflict affects job insecurity and that job insecurity has a significant consequence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results also show that turnover intentions is directly influenced by job insecurity and indirectly by job
satisfaction. This suggests that higher job insecurity is associated with higher turnover intentions, and higher job satisfaction is associated with lower turnover
intentions. Given these results, the study suggests that efforts to lower turnover intentions should be directed towards lowering role conflict and job insecurity,
and increasing job satisfaction level.
Kata Kunci : Anteseden, Job Insecurity, Konsekuensi Job Insecurity, Job Insecurity,internal Auditor,