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Inovasi dalam Sektor Publik:(Studi kasus Proses Difusi Inovasi Aplikasi SIMPUS Di Kota Yogyakarta)

Deby Febriyan Eprilianto, Wahyudi Kumorotomo

2016 | Tesis | Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik

ABSTRACT Innovations are identically performed by the private sector in providing services to customers. The private sector should do innovation to keep exist in the market competition. The Public sector is interested in the success of innovation carried out by the private sector. Innovations in a public sector can contribute to the improvement of the public service quality and the solution of public problem solving. In indonesia innovations are associated with the use of Information, Technology and Communication (ICT) in the process of public administration. In the process of public administration, there are many ICT based innovations in a public sector that have been done, including e-education, e-health, etourism, e-budgeting, e-procurement, and others. The diffusion innovation process is the most important thing in an innovation. An innovation is communicated through specified channels of communication on a particular period of time in a particular social system. The purpose of this study is to know and describe the diffusion process and the factors affect the success of the diffusion process of SIMPUS in the City of Yogyakarta. This study was carried out in the Government Yogyakarta City and the unit of analysis is Departement of Health and Puskesmas Mantrijeron. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of this study show that the innovation of SIMPUS applicationis the ICT based innovation in the administrative process made by Departement of Health City Yogyakarta in 2012 to be applied in Puskesmas with a getok tular of interpersonal communication and group communication. Within the period of 6 months, all Puskesmas in the City of Yogyakarta have been integrated by the SIMPUS. There are some stages in the process of diffusion innovation of SIMPUS: a) planning with getok tular communicaton, test applications and the establishment of team center SIMPUS, b) socialization with the first socialization to Puskesmas Pusat and second socialization to Puskesmas Pembantu, c) accompaniment with centralized training and exercises are performed with direct visit to each Puskesmas, and d) implementation with the firts implementation is done at Puskesmas Pusat and teh second implementation at Puskesmas Pembantu. Meanwhile, factors affecting success of diffusion innovation SIMPUS include a) clarity benefit of SIMPUS application, b) leadership and cultural proximity, and accompaniment activity. The recommendations include a) Dinas Kesehatan should make regulation of implementation SIMPUS application, b) carry out the implementation of SIMPUS application with authoritarian policies, c) the partnership with other departemen as Departement of Population and Civil Registry for the integration of the data of the citizen, and e) the facility for other regions to adopt SIMPUS innovation. Keywords : Innovation in Public Sector, Process of Diffusion Innovation, SIMPUS, and Factors Affecting Success

Kata Kunci : Pelayanan Publik; Inovasi Teknologi

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