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The Pan Asian Railway Network:(Upaya Cina dalam Berintegrasi dengan Kawasan Indonesia

Ahmad Mubarak Munir , Nur Rachmat Yuliantoro

2015 | Tesis | Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

Abstract The objective of the study is to elaborate the strategic advance that will be gained by China both in economic and in political sector. The paper describes the main motivation of China to initiate the construction of railway line toward Indochina’s regions called The Pan Asian Railway Network (PARN). Strategic project becomes the tools for China to realize its interest in economic and politic. PARN helps China to gain its economic interest such as to improve mobility of China’s product, to become a catalyst growth of Southwestern regions in China and to strengthen trade and industrial sector. On the other hand, PARN also becomes political tool for China to support One Belt One Road Policy (OBOR) and become a scheme to shift Japan’s domination in the regions as well as to get control function to Indochina regions. The study uses qualitative analysis within library research as the main method. Data were taken from the books, journals, reports, and websites. Key word: PARN, Indochina region, economic and politic tools, OBOR, Sino- Japan competition.

Kata Kunci : Ekonomi Politik - Cina

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