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Perbandingan Metode Pelaksanaan antara Scaffolding dan Perth Construction Hire (PCH) pada Proyek Grand Kamala Lagoon Bekasi

DEWI ASTUTI, Suwardo, ST., MT., Ph.D. ; Edi Kurniadi, ST., MT.

2016 | Tugas Akhir | D3 TEKNIK SIPIL SV

Perbandingan metode pelaksanaan antara scaffolding dan perth hire contruction (PCH) dianalisis dalam aspek bentuk alat, kerapian pemasangan, waktu, mutu, jumlah material dan biaya. Scaffolding pada umumnya alat yang digunakan meliputi: jack base, main frame, cross brace dan u-head, sedangkan untuk PCH alat yang digunakan biasanya terdiri dari jack base, standar shoring vertical, speed shore horizontal/ledger dan u-head. Dalam hal bentuk alat, pada metode scaffolding lebih banyak materialnya dibanding metode PCH. Dalam aspek kerapian pemasangan kedua metode tersebut dapat terlihat jelas dari bentuk dan sistem pemasangannya sudah berbeda, metode scaffolding kurang rapi dan tidak praktis dibandingkan dengan metode PCH yang bentuknya seperti tiang-tiang yang dapat disatukan seperti meja. Dari aspek perbandingan waktu pada pemasangannya, metode scaffolding membutuhkan waktu lebih lama (3 hari), sedangkan metode PCH (2 hari). Aspek mutu berupa kekuatan gaya tekan yang telah diuji, untuk metode scaffolding mempunyai kekuatan gaya tekan maksimum lebih kecil (100,7 kN) dibandingkan dengan metode PCH (132,1 kN). Pada aspek kebutuhan material, metode scaffolding memiliki jumlah material lebih banyak (44.639 buah) dibandingkan dengan metode PCH (36.535 buah). Dalam aspek biaya yang diperlukan, harga sewa metode scaffolding dengan masa sewa 15 bulan (Rp 4.392.843.500,00) dibanding dengan metode PCH lebih murah karena dengan masa sewa 14 bulan (Rp 4.212.843.000,00). Dari perbandingan kedua metode tersebut berdasarkan keseluruhan aspek dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai indeks rata-rata metode scaffolding lebih rendah (0,27) dibandingkan dengan nilai indeks rata-rata metode PCH (0,55), sehingga evaluasi dalam pemilihan yang sesuai dan efisien adalah metode perth construction hire (PCH).

Comparison of implementation method between scaffolding and perth construction hire (PCH) is analyzed in aspect of the shape tool, installation neatness , time, quality, quantity and cost of materials. Scaffolding in general of tools used include: jack base, the main frame, cross brace and u-head, while for PCH of tool usual used be composed of a jack base, standard shoring vertical, speed shore horizontal/ledger and U-head. In terms of the shape tool, the method of scaffolding more many materials compared the method of PCH. In the aspect of the installation neatness of these two methods can be seen clearly from the shape and installation system is different, scaffolding method is less neat and impractical compared to the method PCH shaped like pillars can be put together like a table. in the aspect ratio at the time of installation, scaffolding method takes more time (3 days), while the method of PCH (2 days). In terms of quality in the form of compressive force strength has been tested, the method has the power scaffolding maximum compressive force is smaller than the method of PCH. Quality aspect such as strength compressive force that has been tested, for scaffolding method has the maximum compressive force of the smaller (100.7 kN) compared with the method of PCH (132.1 kN). On the aspect of material, method of scaffolding have amount many more material (44.639 pieces) compared with the method PCH (36.535 pieces). In the aspect of necessary cost, the price of rental scaffolding method (RP 4,392,843,500.00) with the lease period 15 months, compared with the method of PCH is cheaper (RP 4,513,387,500.00) with the lease period 14 months. From the comparison of the two methods based on all aspects of it can be concluded that the average value of the index is lower scaffolding method (0.27) compared with the average value of the index method of PCH (0.55), so the evaluation in the selection of appropriate and efficient is rented perth construction method (PCH).

Kata Kunci : method of implementation, pert construction hire, scaffolding.

  1. D3-2016-350768-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2016-350768-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2016-350768-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2016-350768-title.pdf