Inovasi Gerakan Post-developmentalism Dalam Revitalisasi Koperasi Untuk Melindungi Eksistensi Produk UKM Lokal (Studi Kasus Koperasi Ritel Modern UKM Mart Al-Amin, Kulonprogo, D.I. Yogyakarta)
FUAD SETIAWAN KH, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir M. Darwin, MPA. ; Dr. Nunuk Dwi Retnandari, MS.
2014 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen dan Kebijakan PublikPada tahun 2000, setelah pemerintah memutuskan untuk mengeluarkan bisnis ritel modern dari negative-list UU PMA, pertumbuhan ritel modern di Indonesia menjadi sangat pesat. Ide tersebut ternyata membawa dampak negatif yang begitu besar, terutama bagi pemasaran produk UKM lokal. Salah satunya di Samigaluh, Kulonprogo. Kehadiran toko ritel modern di Samigaluh telah mematikan toko-toko tradisional milik masyarakat. Sehingga mereka tidak mampu lagi memasarkan berbagai produk UKM lokal. Melihat situasi tersebut, beberapa anggota masyarakat di Samigaluh, menginisiasi sebuah konsep koperasi yang sangat menarik. Mereka merevitalisasi koperasi yang mengadopsi gerakan solidarity economy. Gerakan tersebut merupakan salah satu representasi dari gerakan post-developmentalism. Terdapat fenomena menarik di dalam gerakan post-developmentalism tersebut. Temuan di lapangan menunjukan bahwa gerakan tersebut mengadopsi konsep mix-marketing. Padahal, mix-marketing adalah konsep yang digunakan oleh pesaing UKM Mart Al-Amin, yaitu Alfamart. Dalam kajian post-developmentalism, hal ini bisa dipandang sebagai sebuah �inovasi�. Fenomena gerakan post-developmentalism ini menjadi semakin menarik ketika solidarity economy dan mix-marketing tersebut berelaborasi untuk menjalankan mekanisme perlindungan terhadap produk UKM lokal. Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan. Pertama, mengidentifikasi representatif atau tidaknya gerakan post-developmentalism di dalam UKM Mart Al-Amin. Kedua, mengetahui sejauh mana inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism itu mampu melindungi eksistensi produk UKM lokal. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengetahui bentuk-bentuk inovasi pergerakan, mekanisme perlindungan produk UKM lokal dan melihat faktor penghambat yang dihadapi oleh UKM Mart Al-Amin. Dan yang ketiga, mengetahui seberapa besar penguatan kapasitas dan partisipasi anggota yang dilakukan UKM Mart Al-Amin untuk mendukung inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism tersebut. Teori tentang inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism diadaptasi dari pemikiran para pakar post-developmentalism, seperti Escobar, Pieterse, Sally, Nancy, Gregor, Siemiatycki, dan Miller. Sedangkan teori tentang partisipasi dan penguatan kapasitas, masing-masing diadaptasi dari pemikiran Mubyarto dan Grindle. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan paradigma kualitatif dengan metode eksplanatori. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat diketahui bahwa gerakan yang dilakukan di dalam koperasi UKM Mart Al-Amin merupakan representasi dari gerakan post-developmentalism. Adapun inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism dilakukan dengan cara memadukan konsep solidarity economy dengan mix-marketing. Inovasi tersebut terjadi di dalam tahap solidarity economy, yaitu: penciptaan, produksi, transfer, konsumsi dan surplus alokasi. Berbagai inovasi pada kelima tahap solidarity economy tersebut, dilakukan dengan cara mengadopsi konsep mix-marketing, yaitu: produk, tempat, harga, promosi, proses, tampilan fisik dan orang-orang yang terlibat. Dalam menjalankan inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism ini, UKM Mart mengalami berbagai hambatan. Hambatan internal yang dihadapi oleh UKM Mart seperti: rendahnya kualitas SDM, kualitas produk dan dukungan manajemen. Sedangkan hambatan eksternal berupa kondisi lingkungan dan ekspansi toko ritel modern. Dalam pengembangan inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism, partisipasi anggota UKM Mart Al-Amin sangat bagus. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada partisipasi di dalam penyusunan kebijakan, pelaksanaan, pengambilan manfaat dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat diketahui bahwa partisipasi anggota dapat berjalan dengan baik, sehingga mampu mendukung pengembangan inovasi gerakan tersebut. Selain itu, UKM Mart juga melakukan penguatan kapasitas guna mendukung pengembangan inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism. Penguatan kapasitas ini dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengembangan SDM, penguatan organisasi dan reformasi kelembagaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat diketahui bahwa penguatan kapasitas di dalam UKM Mart Al-Amin teridentifikasi mampu mendukung pengembangan inovasi gerakan post-developmentalism.
In 2000, after the Government decided to issue the modern retail business from negative-list of laws for Foreign Investment, the growth of modern retailing in Indonesia to be extremely rapidly. Those ideas turned out to carry a negative impact is so great, especially for the SME of marketing the product locally. One of them Samigaluh, Kulon Progo. The presence of Samigaluh in modern retail stores has been turning out traditional shops belonging to the community. So they can no longer afford to market different products to local SMES. Seeing the situation, some members of the public in Samigaluh, to initiate a cooperative concept very interesting. They revitalize the cooperative solidarity economy movement which adopted. The movement is one representation of the movement of the post-developmentalism. There are interesting phenomenon in the movement of the post-developmentalism. The findings in the field showed that the movement adopts the concept of mix-marketing. In fact, the marketing mix-is a concept used by UKM Mart Al-Amin competitor, the Alfamart. In the study of post-developmentalism, this can be viewed as an "innovation". The phenomenon of this post-developmentalism movement became increasingly attractive when the solidarity economy and the mix-marketing collaborate to run the protection mechanism against local SME products. This research has several goals. First, identify the representative or whether movement post-developmentalism in the UKM Mart Al-Amin. Second, know the extent of the innovation movement post-developmentalism was able to protect the existence of local SME products. This is done by knowing the innovation forms the movement, protection mechanisms for local SME products and see a barrier faced by UKM Mart Al-Amin. And the third, knowing how big the strengthening of the capacity and participation of members who do UKM Mart Al-Amin to support innovation movement post-developmentalism. Theories on the post-developmentalism social movement innovation adapted from the post-developmentalism experts thought, like Escobar, Pieterse, Nancy, Sally, Gregor, Siemiatycki, and Miller. While the theory of participation and strengthening of capacities, each adapted from Grindle Mubyarto and thought-provoking. This research used the qualitative paradigm approach with the method explanatory. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be noted that the movement is done in a cooperative UKM Mart Al-Amin is a representation of the post-developmentalism social movement. As for the post-developmentalism social movement innovation practiced by way of integrating the concept of solidarity economy with mix-marketing. Innovation occurs in the stage of solidarity economy, namely: creation, production, transfer, consumption and the surplus allocation. Various innovations on the fifth stage of the solidarity economy, done by adopting the concept of the mix-marketing, namely: product, place, price, promotion, physical appearance, the process and the people involved. In carrying out the post-developmentalism social movement innovation, the UKM Mart experience various barriers. Internal barriers faced by UKM Mart, such as: low quality of human resources, the quality of the products and the support of management. While the external obstacles include environmental conditions and expansion of modern retail stores. In the development of the post-developmentalism social movement innovation , the participation of UKM Mart Al-Amin members is very nice. This can be seen in the participation in policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation of benefit claim. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be noted that the participation of the members can run well, so it is able to support the movement of innovation development. In addition, UKM Mart is also doing strengthening the capacity to support the development of the post-developmentalism social movement innovation. Strengthening the capacity of this was done by way of doing development of human resources, strengthening the organization and institutional reform. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be noted that strengthening capacity within UKM Mart Al-Amin was able to support the development of the post-developmentalism social movement innovation.
Kata Kunci : Inovasi, Gerakan Post-developmentalism, Revitalisasi Koperasi, Produk UKM Lokal.