RETNA KUSUMA ASTUTI, Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si.
2014 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu FisikaGunungsewu yang terletak di kabupaten Gunungkidul dikenal sebagai kawasan yang kering, tandus dan relatif sulit mendapatkan air terutama pada saat musim kemarau. Keadaan geologi sebagian besar tersusun atas batu gamping berpotensi menghasilkan sistem sungai bawah tanah karst. Untuk mengetahui jalur sungai bawah tanah sesuai dengan kontras parameter fisis konduktivitas akibat keberadaan air dalam rongga batu gamping, diperlukan suatu metode geofisika yang tepat yakni metode VLF-EM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui arah aliran dan kedalaman sungai bawah tanah Seropan serta pemodelan 2D-nya. Lokasi penelitian ini akan dilakukan di Desa Gombong, Kecematan Semanu, Kabupaten Gunungkidul dengan koordinat 8,014 0 LS dan 110,67 0 BT. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan selama 12 hari pada tanggal 15-26 September 2013. Interpretasi secara kualitatif dengan analisis pemrosesan filter fraser, filter Karous Hjelt menghasilkan kontur rapat arus ekivalen (RAE). Untuk interpretasi kuantitatif berdasarkan hasil pemodelan ke belakang yang menghasilkan kontur resistivitas model. Hasil interpretasi kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa arah aliran sungai bawah tanah Seropan melintasi desa Gombong dari utara mulut gua Seropan menuju ke selatan, diduga ada 3 aliran sungai yakni sungai 1 dengan estimasi kedalaman di bagian utara 30 m dan di bagian selatan 35 m, sungai 2 dengan kedalaman di bagian utara 40 m dan di bagian selatan 40 m, sungai 3 dengan kedalaman di bagian utara 25 m dan di bagian selatan 40 m terhadap permukaan setempat. Hasil pemodelan 2D arah aliran sungai juga dari utara ke selatan dengan lebar ┦!\\" à´ž Ç'┧๳ dan error 6,44 %, ditandai dengan nilai resistivitas 500 ohm-m. Sungai 1 mengalir dari ketinggian 182 m di bagian utara ke selatan dengan ketinggian 144 m, sungai 2 mengalir dari utara dengan ketinggian 163 m ke selatan dengan ketinggian 127 m, sungai 3 dengan ketinggian 163 m mengalir ke selatan dengan ketinggian 127 m. kedalaman bervariasi dari 25 m-50 m.
Gunungsewu located at Gunungkidul reg ency is known as dry and plain area which is relative difficult to get fresh water ecspecially at drought season. The geological condition which is composed from limestone (karst) potentially creates karstic aquifer system. To estimate it based on physical parameters contrast of conductivity caused by water existance in limestone cavity, it requires appropriate geophysics method. It is VLF-EM method. The aims of this research are to know the direction, the depth of Seropan karstic aquifer pathways and to make its 2D modeling. The location is at Gombong village, Semanu district, Gunungkidul regency with latitude and longitude of 8,014 0 S and 110,67 0 E respectively. It had been done for 12 days from 15th until 26th September 2013. Qualitative interpretation used Fraser filter, Karous Hjelt filter which generates equivalent current density. For quantitative interpretation was based on inverse modeling which had generated resistivity contour model. The result of qualitative interpretation shows that the flowing direction of karstic aquifer from the North of Seropan cave to the South through Gombong village. It is estimated that there are three karstic aquifer pathways, those are first with 30 of depth in the North and 35 m of depth in the South, second with 40 m of depth in the North and 40 m of depth in the South, and third with 25 of depth in the North and 40 m of depth in the South. Karstic aquifer pathways from 2D modeling also flows from the North to the South in ┦!\\" ഞ DŽ'┧๳ of width and 6.44 % of error noted by low resistivity anomalies 500 ohm-m. The first pathway flows from 182 m of elevation in the north to 144 m in the south, second flows from 163 m of elevation in the north to127 m in the south, and third flows from 163 m of elevation in the north to 127 m in the south. The depth of river has variation from 25 until 50 meter. Gunungsewu located at Gunungkidul reg ency is known as dry and plain area which is relative difficult to get fresh water ecspecially at drought season. The geological condition which is composed from limestone (karst) potentially creates karstic aquifer system. To estimate it based on physical parameters contrast of conductivity caused by water existance in limestone cavity, it requires appropriate geophysics method. It is VLF-EM method. The aims of this research are to know the direction, the depth of Seropan karstic aquifer pathways and to make its 2D modeling. The location is at Gombong village, Semanu district, Gunungkidul regency with latitude and longitude of 8,014 0 S and 110,67 0 E respectively. It had been done for 12 days from 15th until 26th September 2013. Qualitative interpretation used Fraser filter, Karous Hjelt filter which generates equivalent current density. For quantitative interpretation was based on inverse modeling which had generated resistivity contour model. The result of qualitative interpretation shows that the flowing direction of karstic aquifer from the North of Seropan cave to the South through Gombong village. It is estimated that there are three karstic aquifer pathways, those are first with 30 of depth in the North and 35 m of depth in the South, second with 40 m of depth in the North and 40 m of depth in the South, and third with 25 of depth in the North and 40 m of depth in the South. Karstic aquifer pathways from 2D modeling also flows from the North to the South in ┦!\\" ഞ DŽ'┧๳ of width and 6.44 % of error noted by low resistivity anomalies 500 ohm-m. The first pathway flows from 182 m of elevation in the north to 144 m in the south, second flows from 163 m of elevation in the north to127 m in the south, and third flows from 163 m of elevation in the north to 127 m in the south. The depth of river has variation from 25 until 50 meter.
Kata Kunci : VLF, koreksi topografi, filter rerata bergerak, filter Fraser, filter Karous Hjelt, rapat arus ekivalen, pemodelan ke belakang, resistivitas