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FLOOD HAZARD ASSESSMENT AND COPING MECHANISM OF A LOCAL COMMUNITY (A Case Study in District of Tenggarong, Regency of Kutai Kartanegara, Province of Kalimantan Timur)

LIDYA LESTARI SITOHANG, Dr. rer. net. Muh. Aris Marfai, M.Sc.

2012 | Tesis | S2 Geografi

Penelitian ini didasarkan atas bencana banjir di Kecamatan Tenggarong pada tahun 2010, adapun penyebab banjir adalah hujan deras yang terjadi selama dua hari pada tanggal 28 s.d 29 Maret 2010. Secara umum, tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat dalam menangani banjir. Selanjutnya, beberapa tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab utama bencana banjir, mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang banjir serta menganalisa mekanisme menangani banjir di tahun 2010. Metode yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini dibedakan berdasarkan tahaptahap penelitian, seperti: tahap persiapan (pra-lapangan) yaitu memilih daerah penelitian secara purposive; tahap kerja lapangan yang menerapkan metode wawancara (wawancara) dan semi structured interview; dan tahap paska kerja lapangan yang berfokus pada proses analisa dan pembahasan hasil penelitian. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian di atas, hasil yang diperoleh adalah; banjir di tahun 2010 di Kecamatan Tenggarong disebabkan oleh hujan deras, tanggul jebol, periode pasang sungai Mahakam dan akibat kegiatan manusia; berdasarkan pengetahuan dan persepsi masyarakat tentang banjir, diketahui tingkat kerentanan banjir masyarakat ditentukan lama tinggal masyarakat di lokasi; serta didapati bahwa pada tahap sebelum banjir, masyarakat setempat lebih tidak sigap dalam penanganan banjir dibandingkan pada tahap saat dan setelah banjir terjadi.

This research is conducted due to The 2010 flood in the District of Tenggarong was triggered by high precipitation which started on March 28 and continued until March 29, 2010. Thus, general objectives of that this study is to derived what the community embraced in response to the flood hazard. Furthermore, based on this general objective, three elaborated objectives are to identify the predominant cause of the 2010 flood hazard in the study area, to study the community’s perception in regards to the 2010 flood hazard as well as t analyze the coping mechanism of the community in response to the 2010 flood hazard. Methods carried out in this study are divided due to the three phases of the research i.e. pre-fieldwork which had purposively selected the study area, fieldwork that occupied interview and semi structured interview, and the post fieldwork that mainly is a phase analysis process and utterly produced the result of this study. Due to the achieved objects of this research, the gained results are as follow; four major causes of the 2010 flood are a heavy rainfall, a dam break, a high tide period of Tenggarong river and others such as human induced; according to the knowledge and perception of flood that the community perceived, the great influence of the vulnerability degree of the community is determined to the period of stay in their surrounding and socio-economic aspects; as well as due the phases of the flood (before, during and aftermath) the flood occurrence, the community is relatively unaware to the pre flood events rather than within during and the aftermath phase

Kata Kunci : Banjir di tahun 2010, Kecamatan Tenggarong, Wawancara, Semi structured interview

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