Implementasi Protokol Kyoto dalam pencegahan dampak perubahan iklim global :: Studi terhadap laporan Walikota London tahun 2008 tentang strategi adaptasi Kota London dalam pencegahan dampak akibat perubahan iklim global
SETYANINGRUM, Wita, Prof. Dr. Marsudi Triatmodjo, S.H., LL.M
2009 | Tesis | S2 Magister Ilmu Hukum
Global warming occurs when the concentration of the green house gasses increases in the air. Global warming causes climate change and increases frequency or change intensity of extreme weather. Climate change adaptation strategy is not much applied yet in planning strategy or policy. This is caused such as there is no comprehensive understanding to climate change effect. Kyoto protocol is an international memorandum of understanding for a very serious effort in facing climate change. Even the finance mechanism is under convention specially planed to increase the adaptation of climate change. This research is to find out how implementation of Kyoto Protocol in preventing global climate changes impact (Study toward Mayor of London Draft Report in 2008 About The Adaptation Strategy of London in Preventing The Impact Caused By The Global Climate Change). This research is a normative juridical research and data collection instrument of library research and document. Based on this research Kyoto Protocol is an international memorandum of understanding for a very serious effort in anticipating climate change. Adaptation is an adaptive act of natural and social system to anticipate the negative impact of climate change. London is one of the largest cities of the world which participates in anticipating danger and disaster caused by climate change. So, many strategies are done as an adaptation effort to climate change. This strategy is applied from how the ways of London must adapted with the change, such as the formation of forum and cooperation with environmental boards, build development that is kind of environment, focusing on sustainable development and disaster anticipation that possibly happened caused by climate change.
Kata Kunci : Kyoto Protocol,Climate change,Adaptation