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Relationship between sales growth, profitability and firm value in firm value creation strategy :: A study of companies in young emerging market economies (EMEs)

MWANGI, James Kamau, Dr. Erni Ekawati, MSA, MBA

2008 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

This study investigates the relationship between sales growth, profitability and firm value in firm value creation strategy. Results based on a sample of 69 public limited companies from Kenya, Indonesia, South Africa and The Philippines considered as young emerging market economies in this study indicate that although both firm profitability and value generally rise with sales growth, an optimal point exists beyond which further sales growth adversely affects profitability and shareholder value. The results also show that the level of sales growth that maximizes the value of the firm is lower than that maximizing the company’s profitability.

Kata Kunci : Young emerging market economies (EMEs), Sales growth, Accounting profitability, Firm Value

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