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Analisis pengaruh mediasi Self-Efficacy terhadap hubungan antara Self-Leadership dan kinerja

RAHMAWATI, Fitri Maulidah, Dr. Harsono, M.Sc

2006 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh mediasi selfefficacy dalam konteks manajerial terhadap hubungan antara kemampuan self-leadership dan kinerja. Dalam penelitian ini selfleadership tersebut akan diuji melalui ketiga dimensinya yaitu behaviorfocused strategies, natural reward strategies dan constructive thought pattern strategies. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah para manajer madya pada industri handycraft dan furniture dengan jumlah responden 94 orang. Sebanyak 55 orang (58.51%) berjenis kelamin laki-laki, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 39 orang (41.49%) adalah perempuan. Mayoritas responden berusia antara 30-40 tahun yaitu sebanyak 53 orang (56.38%). Untuk rentang usia antara 41-50 tahun adalah sebanyak 22 orang (23.40%), sedangkan yang berusia kurang dari 30 tahun berjumlah 19 orang (20.21%). Data self-report yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan regresi berganda (multiple regression) untuk menguji hubungan antara variabel dependen dan independen. Sedangkan untuk menguji hubungan mediasi digunakan alat analisis regresi bertingkat (hierarchical regression).Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga dimensi self-leadership, hanya strategi behavioral-focused yang memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap self-efficacy (β=0.320;sig.=0.002;t=3.234), namun dalam hubungan antara ketiga dimensi self-leadership tersebut dengan kinerja, hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ketiganya tidak memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja. sedangkan untuk self-efficacy ditemukan adanya pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja (β=0.265;sig.=0.010;t=2.641), namun tidak ditemukan pengaruh mediasi self-efficacy terhadap hubungan antara ketiga dimensi selfleadership dan kinerja.

This studi was aimed to identify the mediation effect of self-efficacy to the relationship between self-leadership ability and performance. The self-leadership would be identified by the three dimensions: behaviorfocused strategies, natural reward strategies and constructive thought pattern strategies. Each of the three dimensions would be tested one by one to analyze their relationships with self-efficacy and performance. The subjects are 94 middle managers of the handycraft and furniture’s exporter organizations. Fifty-five of participants (58.51%) are males and 39 others are females (41.49%). Subjects whose ages range between 30-40 years old are 53 (56.38%), subjects whose ages range between 41-50 years old are 22 (23.40%), and subjects whose ages under 30 years old are 19(20.21%). The self-report data were analyzed using regression analysis to test the relationship between dependent variables and independent variables, and were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis (HRA) to test the mediation relationship. The results show that only behavioral-focused strategies, one of three dimensions of self-leadership, had the positive and significant effects to the self-efficacy (β=0.320;sig.=0.002;t=3.234), whereas the three dimensions of self-leadership (behavior-focused strategies, natural reward strategies and constructive thought pattern strategies ) didn’t have the positive and significant effects to the performance. This study also find that self-efficacy affect performance in positive and significant way (β=0.265;sig.=0.010;t=2.641), but the result didn’t find the mediation effect of the self-efficacy to the relationship between the three dimensions of self-leadership and the performance.

Kata Kunci : Manajemen Sumberdaya Manusia,Self Efficacy,Kinerja dan Self Leadership, self-leadership, self-efficacy, mediation, performance

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