ANIS LESTARI, Atus Syahbudin, S. Hut., M. Agr., Ph. D.
2018 | Tugas Akhir | D3 PENGELOLAAN HUTANAlas Mentaok adalah hutan yang pernah ada di wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Lokasinya diperkirakan membentang dari timur laut hingga tenggara Kota Yogyakarta, mulai dari daerah Purwomartani Sleman, Banguntapan Bantul, hingga Kotagede di Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persebaran pohon mentaok (Wrightia javanica) di Kotagede dengan menjelajahi seluruh lokasi penelitian. Pohon mentaok yang dijumpai dikoleksi berupa herbarium kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 7 pohon mentaok di wilayah Kecamatan Kotagede, Kota Yogyakarta. Seluruhnya berada di Kelurahan Purbayan. Berdasarkan karakter morfologi, pohon mentaok memiliki bentuk tajuk tidak beraturan, tajuk berwarna hijau. Batang bertipe monopodial, berbentuk silindris dengan warna batang cokelat muda-cokelat kehitaman. Arah percabangannya ortotrof dan cabang berbentuk silindris. Tipe daun daun, berwarna hijau, tepi daun rata, duduk daun berhadapan, ujung daun meruncing, pangkal daun runcing, permukaan daun bagian atas dan bawah tidak berbulu. Bentuk daun oblong. Menurut masyarakat Kotagede, pohon mentaok dimanfaatkan sebagai pohon peneduh, hiasan, dan fungsi pelestarian.
Alas Mentaok is a forest once existed in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Its location stretches from northeast to southeast of Yogyakarta. Today, starting from Purwomartin Sleman, Banguntapan Bantul, until Kotagede in Yogyakarta City. This research aims to determine the distribution of Mentaok trees (Wrightia javanica) in Kotagede by doing exploration at all research locations. The Mentaok trees that the researcher found were collected in the form of dry herbariums. The research results showed that there are seven Mentaok trees in Kotagede District, Yogyakarta City. All of these Mentaok trees are located in Purbayan Village. Based on the morphological characters, Mentaok trees have green and irregular-shaped crown. Its stems are monopodial type, cylindrical, and the stems color are light brown to blackish brown. The branching direction is orthotroph and its branch shape is cylindrical. Furthermore, it is found that the characteristics of Mentaok trees are described as follows: green colored leaves type, flat edged leaves, leaves attached to stem in pairs that stand opposite each other, taper tip and base typed of leaves, and not-hairy upper and lower leaf surfaces. The leaves are oblong shaped. According to the Kotagede community, Mentaok trees are commonly utilized as shade trees, decorations, and conservation.
Kata Kunci : Alas Mentaok, Wrightia javanica, Kotagede, Pohon sejarah / Mentaok forest, Wrightia javanica, Kotagede, historical trees.