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HANNA SIENTJE IRMA KAWULUR, Dr. R.C. Hidayat Soesilohadi, MS.; Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, S.U.; Prof. Ir. Y. Andi Trisyono, M.Sc., Ph.D.

2016 | Disertasi | S3 Ilmu Biologi

Kabupaten Biak Numfor dan Asmat adalah daerah endemis malaria di Provinsi Papua. Upaya pengendalian malaria yang tidak didasari pada pengetahuan tentang bionomi vektor merupakan salah satu penyebab masih tingginya kasus malaria di beberapa kawasan. Nyamuk Anopheles farauti dilaporkan sebagai salah satu vektor utama malaria di Kabupaten Biak Numfor dan Asmat. Tujuan penelitian adalah: 1. mengetahui kepadatan, kebiasaan menghisap darah berdasarkan waktu dan tempat, rentang umur dan habitat nyamuk An. farauti di ekosistem pantai dan rawa. 2. menentukan potensi nyamuk An. farauti menjadi vektor (VC) dan potensi penularan malaria (EIR) di ekosistem pantai dan rawa, 3. Mengetahui hubungan distribusi spasial habitat nyamuk An. farauti dengan kasus malaria di ekosistem pantai dan rawa, 4. Mengetahui variasi genetik anggota spesies nyamuk An. farauti Laveran (Diptera: Culicidae) di ekosistem pantai dan rawa. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kepadatan, kebiasaan menghisap darah, rentang umur, menghitung VC dan EIR adalah: human landing collection, bedah ovarium dan uji ELISA. Analisis spasial menggunakan program Arc.GIS 9.3 digunakan untuk membuat peta distribusi kasus dan habitat nyamuk An. farauti. Metode RAPD-PCR digunakan untuk analisis variasi individu anggota An. farauti Laveran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ratarata nilai kepadatan (MBR) nyamuk An farauti di ekosistem pantai adalah 20,1-24,3 nyamuk/orang/jam, ekosistem rawa 32,4-39,1 nyamuk/orang/jam. Aktifitas mencari darah nyamuk An. farauti di ekosistem pantai dan rawa berlangsung sepanjang malam namun paling banyak mencari darah pada pukul 18.00-19.00. Nyamuk An. farauti di ekosistem pantai bersifat zoofilik, di ekosistem rawa antropofilik. Perkiraan umur populasi nyamuk An. farauti di ekosistem pantai adalah 6-8 hari, di ekosistem rawa 2-9 hari. Nilai VC di ekosistem pantai adalah 0,00 - 0,05, ekosistem rawa adalah 0,00 - 0,92. Nilai EIR di ekosistem pantai adalah 0,00- 0,63, ekosistem rawa 0,00 - 80,27. Distribusi kasus dan habitat nyamuk An. farauti berada dalam zona jangkauan terbang nyamuk An. farauti (2,5 km). An. farauti di ekosistem pantai dan rawa memiliki koefisien similaritas < 70%. Hasil penelitian di ekosistem pantai dan rawa menunjukkan bahwa bionomi nyamuk An. farauti mempengaruhi eksistensi malaria di kawasan tersebut. Distribusi kasus dan habitat berada pada area beresiko tertular malaria. Kata kunci : bionomi, EIR, VC, variasi individu

Biak Numfor and Asmat regency are malaria endemic areas in Papua Province. Malaria control efforts that are not based on knowledge of the behaviour mosquitoes as vectors of malaria are likely to be the cause of high incidence of malaria in the region. Research aimed at: (1) determinine density, blood-seeking behavior, lifespan and breeding habitat in coastal and swamp ecosystems, (2) determinine vector potential (VC) and EIR mosquito (3) reveal the correlation between spatial distribution of breeding habitat and malaria outbreak and (4) explaine the genetic diversity of An. farauti mosquito in coastal and swamp ecosystems. To achieve these goals, this research involved various methods such as human landing collection, ELISA, spatial analysis and RAPD-PCR. The data showed that the population density of An. farauti, and the proportion of parous had no positive correlation with the number of malaria-infected people, occured in research locations. The feeding activity of An. farauti mosquito in coastal and swamp ecosystems is a nocturnal activity, but the peak activity is mainly between 6 p.m.-7 p.m. An. farauti in coastal ecosystems are zoophilic, in swamp ecosystems anthropophilic. Based on the value of HBI, An. farauti mosquito found in coastal ecosystem tends to have less potential ability to act as malaria vector compared to that of living in swamp ecosystem. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind velocity usually become the essential elements that affect the development and bionomics of vectors. However, the research that has been conducted in coastal and swamp ecosystems explicates that those xvii factors have no significant correlation. The life span of An. farauti population in coastal ecosystem is estimated to range 16-18 days, in swamp ecosystem is 12-14 days. VC in coastal ecosystem ranges from 0.00 - 0.05, in swamp ecosystem 0.00 - 0.92. EIR in coastal ecosystem ranges from 0.00- 0.63, in swamp ecosystem from 0.00 - 80.27. People living in houses have positive symptom to be malaria-infected, Habitats of the mosquitoes (sites where larvae are found and An.farauti are captured) are located within buffer zone less than 0.5 km. It means that those sites are considered as malaria-transmission risk areas. The analysis result on genetic diversity shows that most An.farauti species samples collected from two research locations share similarity coefficient < 70%.

Kata Kunci : bionomics, vector, VC, EIR, diversity genetic

  1. S3-2016-289293-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2016-289293-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2016-289293-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2016-289293-title.pdf