Proses Negosiasi Pilkada Aceh Studi Deskriptif Analitis Tentang Perubahan Sikap Partai Aceh Dari Menolak Menjadi Menerima Pada Pilkada Aceh 2012
Salim Shahab, Prof. Dr. M. Mohtar Mas’oed, MA
2012 | Tesis | S2 Magister Perdamaian & Resolusi KonflikPada persiapan pelaksanaan Pilkada Aceh 2012, Partai Aceh (PA) yang didominasi oleh para mantan Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) dan menduduki kursi hampir 50% di legislatif menyatakan menolak ikut serta dalam kontes pilkada. Alasannya Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) mengabulkan judicial review pasal 256 UU No 11 Tahun 2006 yang membolehkan calon perseorangan/independen bisa ikut berlaga, tanpa melalui konsultasi dan pertimbangan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh (DPRA). Alasan lain yang tidak disampaikan ke publik oleh PA adalah Gubernur Irwandi Yusuf, juga mantan anggota GAM, akan kembali mencalonkan kembali sebagai gubernur melalui jalur independen. Aksi PA sebagai kekuatan politik terbesar di Aceh untuk tidak terlibat dalam Pilkada 2012 tentu akan berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi politik dan proses resolusi konflik selama lima tahun kedepan. Konflik bisa diredam jika demokrasi bisa dilaksanakan secara fair dengan pelibatan sejumlah komponen, termasuk PA. Maka menjadi penting bagi stakeholder perdamaian Aceh meyakinkan PA agar merubah niatan menolak menjadi menerima hasil keputusan MK dan ikut berlaga dalam Pilkada 2012. Sejumlah pendekatan dilakukan. Satu diantara adalah negosiasi informal dan tersembunyi. Penelitian selama 434 hari ini menyusuri negosiasi tersembunyi dan juga informal yang dilakukan oleh sejumlah aktor, metode yang dilakukannya dan cara yang ditempuh. Hasilnya, diketahui PA memiliki tiga target prioritas. Pertama, calon independen tidak ada, kedua, Irwandi tidak ikut bertarung, ketiga kalaupun Irwandi ikut bertarung, maka ia tidak sedang menjabat. Hasil negosiasi, target ketiga tercapai. PA pun mencabut penolakan dan mau ikut dalam Pilkada dengan syarat Pilkada dilaksanakan tidak pada era Irwandi sedang menjabat yang menurut PA sebagai pra syarat Pilkada bisa berlangsung fair.
In the preparatory phase of the 2012 local elections in Aceh, the Aceh Party (PA) – which is dominated by former Free Aceh Movement (GAM) members and holds almost 50% of the seats in the legislature – declared its refusal to participate in the elections. The reason for PA’s stance was the Constitutional Court’s (MK) judicial review of Article 256 of Law /o. 11 Year 2006, which was done without any consultation with and/ or consideration of the House of Representatives of Aceh (DPRA), and the decision that individual/ independent candidates would be eligible to contest the elections. Another reason, not publicly expressed by PA, was that the Governor, Irwandi Yusuf, also a former GAM member, was planning to run again as an independent candidate. The decision of PA, as the largest political force in Aceh, not to participate in the 2012 local elections would have had an effect on political participation and the conflict resolution process over the next five years. The conflict can be alleviated if democracy can be fairly implemented through the involvement of all stakeholders, including PA. Thus, it was vital for stakeholders of the Aceh peace process to convince PA to revise its stance and accept the decision of MK and contest the 2012 local elections. A number of approaches were tried; one being informal and behind-the-scenes negotiations. The research conducted over a period of 434 days analyzes the secret and informal negotiations undertaken by a number of actors, methods used and processes followed. Through these negotiations, it became known that PA had three priority targets. Firstly, there should be no independent candidates; secondly, Irwandi should not contest; thirdly, if Irwandi were to contest, he should not be the serving Governor at the time. The negotiations resulted in the third target being reached. PA also withdrew its rejection and decided to participate in the local elections, provided that the local elections would not be held while Irwandi was still in office. This requirement constituted a prerequisite for fair elections according to PA.
Kata Kunci : Partai Aceh, Pilkada 2012, Negosiasi