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Kinetika hidrolisis minyak biji kapuk dengan larutan natrium karbonat dalam reaktor alir tangki berpengaduk

AGUSTINA, Tuty Emilia, Prof.Dr.Ir. Ida Bagus Agra

2001 | Tesis | S2 Teknik Kimia

Sdah setu usaha pemrrnfbatan minyak biji loepuk adatah mengolah minyak biji kapuk menjadi sabun dan gliserol. Pada penelitian ini kinetika reakei ditinjau secara heterogen. Hidrolims minyak biji lcupuk dengan larutan Na$o3 dijalankan dalam reaktor alir tasgki berpengaduk Mula-mula reaktor diisi desgan umpan 8w(c1 lanrtan NaC03 aejumlah tertentu kemudian dipanaskan sambil diaduk. Setelah snhu yang diinginlcan tetcapd, - umpan wd &yak biji lcapurz yang terlebih &ulu dipmaskan sehingga suhunya sama dew euhu umpan larutaa Na2C03. Jumlah umpan asad larutan NaCO3 dan umpan awal minyalc biji kspuk d i m agar volum totalnya 1000 mL Bsreamaan dengan itu dialirluin umpan minyak biji kapuk dan laautan Na&Q dengan kecepetan volum tertentu Selama proses berjalm, suhu dipertahenkan dengan pemanas air. Perhitungan nilai koefisien perpinciaha mass8 (kz) dan koastante kecepatan reaksi (kt) dilakuh dengan cam mpBi dan metode kuadrat terkeoil. Berdeaarkan nilai kt, k2, dan indeb Reynold, tenmyatst makei kimia dan perpindahau mama sama-aama mengendalikan r e h i secamkeselufilhrm, Dari hasil percobam nilai kl dapat didekati denppersamaan Anheniw, yangwentuk : kl = (1,6002 x 10") exp -715,2623lI' den- ralat kl h i 1 percobaaa sebesar f 1,28%, dan hubungan antara koeflsiem peipindahao massadengan variabel kecepatan penlFadukan, dinyatakan dengan kz = (3,7525 x IOs)N 0*09% dengan ralat k2 hail percobaan tedwdap pmmaan eebeaar f 0,04%. K e h yang rel& baik dicapai pada waktu tin@ 50 memt, ouhu 55"C, kecepatau pengaddm 260 ppm, dengan perbandingan laiutan Na&@ - minyak 2,31 mgek lmtmNa&Q/mgek minyak Pada kondisi ini diperoleh lconverai 33,41%.

Kapuk seed oil can be hydrolyzed to produce soap and glycerol. The hydrolysis of lcapuk seed oil has been studied wing ahctcrogencous maction approach Hydrolysis ofkapuk seed oil with sodium carbonate solution wae canied out m a continuow etirred tank reactor. The experimSnt w a ~sta rted with filling the reactor with sodium carbonate Bolution and heated to the desired tempem. At the same time, the kapukaeed oil was heated to the desimitempcratum m a flask Then, the herdbdtcepulrd oil was ad&d into the reactor at the certain ratio 80 tht total volume of the liquid was 1000 mL The fbed of eodim carbonate solution and the %ed of kapuk geed oil were added twpmtely with a certain volumelric flowmte into the reactor. Ihning the proces8, the temperahpe of the reaction w88 kept constant wing awaterbath After the deady state condition was reached, sample WPB taken to determine the the glycdiootent The mass tramsfbr coefficient (kz) and reaction rate constaut (kl) dues, were calculated wing regremion and lead square methods. Based on the value of k1, ka, and Reynolds index, it wan found that chemical reaction and m888 tmmfet eteps, both controlled lhe hydrolyeis process. The ubmical reaction oonstant could be expressed like Anheniw equation : with an elrperimntal error of* 1,26%, and the relationship between the matas transfk cocdicient with the speed of agitation (N), could be presented as : with an experimental error of* 0,0496. The m l a h firvorable procem condition was 50 minube of'rssideat time, ternperdm of 55"C, wed of atation of 260 rpm, and sodium cdmate-oil equivalent ratio of 2,31. Under thia condition the glyceride coprversion was 33,4196

Kata Kunci : Hidrolisis Minyak Biji Kapuk,Larutan Natrium Karbonat,Reaktor Alir Tangki Berpengaduk

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