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Natelda R. Timisela, Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhuri

2013 | Disertasi | S3 Ekonomi Pertanian

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) ketersediaan pangan lokal dalam mencukupi kebutuhan konsumsi; 2) kinerja agroindustri pangan lokal; 3) manajemen rantai pasok agroindustri pangan lokal dan pengaruhnya terhadap peningkatan aktivitas pelaku rantai pasok dan kinerja agroindustri; dan 4) keterkaitan hubungan secara hirarki komponen pendukung strategi pengembangan agroindustri pangan lokal. Penelitian dilakukan di Propinsi Maluku karena memiliki sentra pengembangan agroindustri pangan lokal sagu dan ubi kayu. Data penelitian terdiri dari data sekunder dan data primer. Penentuan sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik multistage sampling karena terdiri dari sampel petani, pengrajin, pedagang, konsumen dan pengambil kebijakan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa: 1) produksi sagu dan ubi kayu di Propinsi Maluku terjadi surplus karena produksi lebih dari kebutuhan konsumsi; 2) pengukuran kinerja agroindustri dari sisi nilai tambah menunjukan bahwa petani menerima rasio nilai tambah dan keuntungan relatif lebih rendah dari pelaku rantai lainnya; pengukuran efisiensi relatif menunjukan bahwa decision making unit agroindustri sagu 60% efisien dan agroindustri ubi kayu 40,63% efisien; pengukuran indeks diversifikasi produk menunjukan bahwa agroindustri sagu lebih terdiversifikasi (IE 1,95 > 1), sedangkan agroindustri ubi kayu belum terdiversifikasi (IE 0,87 < 1); pengukuran fungsi keuntungan setiap pelaku rantai pasok menunjukan bahwa apabila terjadi kenaikan harga maka keuntungan menurun dan sebaliknya apabila terjadi penurunan harga maka keuntungan bertambah; pengukuran pemasaran menunjukan bahwa share harga yang diterima oleh pengrajin rendah dibandingkan pedagang. Hasil analisis preferensi konsumen terhadap produk sagu dan ubi kayu masing-masing 88,19% dan 77,99% menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara objek produk dan peubah atribut yang diteliti saling berkaitan dan memberikan informasi tentang nilai keragamannya; 3) pengukuran komponen manajemen rantai pasok antara lain praktek rantai pasok, perhatian rantai pasok dan kompetensi rantai pasok berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan aktivitas pelaku rantai pasok dan kinerja agroindustri; dan 4) pengukuran prioritas strategi pengembangan agroindustri sagu menunjukan bahwa teknologi menjadi prioritas pertama karena berkaitan dengan bantuan dan akses teknologi pengolahan yang sangat rendah dan terbatas. Prioritas kedua adalah modal karena bantuan modal dan akses pengrajin terhadap modal usaha sangat terbatas sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kontinutas usaha. Untuk agroindustri ubi kayu menunjukan bahwa pemasaran menjadi prioritas pertama karena pemasaran produk ubi kayu masih terpusat pada kabupaten sehingga diperlukan perluasan pasar. Prioritas kedua adalah modal, pengrajin berusaha dengan modal sendiri yang sangat terbatas untuk operasionalisasi usaha.

This research aims to investigate: 1) the availability of local food to meet the consumption need; 2) local food agro-industry performance; 3) supply chain management of local food agro-industry and the effect towards the activity improvement of supply chain agents and agro-industry performance; and 4) the hierarchic relation among the components of developmental strategies’ supports of local food agro-industry. The research was conducted in Maluku Province since it had a development center of sago and cassava local food agro-industry. The research data consisted of secondary and primary data. The research sampling was by multistage sampling; they were the sample farmers, craftsmans, merchants, consumers, and policy makers. The analysis result shows that: 1) there is surplus in production than the consumption need of sago and cassava in Maluku Province; 2) The measurement of agro-industry performance in value added shows that farmers received relatively lower value added ratio and income than the other chain agents; the relative efficiency measurement shows that the efficiency of sago agro-industry decision making unit is 60% and cassava agro-industry is 40.63%; the measurement of product diversification index shows that sago agro-industry is highly diversified (IE 1.95 > 1), while cassava agro-industry has not been diversified (IE 0.87 < 1); the measurement of profit function of every supply chain doer shows that if there is an increase in price, the profit would decrease, and conversely if there is a decrease in price, the profit would increase; marketing measurement shows that price share received by the craftsmen is lower than that of the merchants. The consumers’ preference analysis result to the sago and cassava products is 88.19% and 77.99%, respectively. It shows that the product object and the attribute converter examined are related to each other and give information about the variation value; 3) The measurement of supply chain management components which are supply chain practice, supply chain attention, and supply chain competence affect the activity improvement of supply chain agents and agro-industry performance; and 4) The measurement the priority of sago agroindustry developmental strategy shows that technology has becomes the first priority to develop agro-industry since it related with the assists and accesses of the very low and limited processing technology. The second priority is capital. Since the modal assistance and the craftsmen’s accesses to the business capital is very limited, it affects the business continuity. In the cassava agro-industry, it is found that marketing has becomes the first priority since recently the marketing of cassava products was run in the regency area which is needed market extension. The second priority is the capital since recently the craftsmen ran their businesses using their own capital which was very limited for operating the business.

Kata Kunci : Kinerja agroindustri, pangan lokal, sagu, ubi kayu, konsumsi, manajemen rantai pasok, dan strategi pengembangan

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