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Identification of Worker’s Workload in Tomato Production Greenhouse using Physiological Parameters and Environmental Conditions


2013 | Tesis | S2 Teknologi Industri Pertanian

Banyak pekerja bekerja pada greenhouse produksi tomat di Jepang, terekspos oleh kondisi lingkungan greenhouse pada saat bekerja. Pada penelitian ini, diukur denyut jantung, saturasi oksigen, suhu tubuh, suhu wajah, suhu area kepala, dan juga radiasi sinar matahari, suhu udara, kelembaban untuk melihat hubungan antara parameter fisiologis dengan kondisi lingkungan. Tingkat beban kerja pekerja juga dianalisis dan ditentukan dengan melihat parameter fisiologis pekerja. Tiga pekerja yang bekerja di greenhouse semi komersial di Research Center for High-technology Greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University bekerja sama sebagai objek penelitian. Pekerjaan diklasifikasikan menjadi kerja kanopi atas dan kerja kanopi bawah. Pulseoximeter jari, termometer telinga, dan kamera termal digunakan untuk mengukur parameter fisiologis pekerja. Beban kerja pekerja dianalisis menggunakan Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) dan ditentukan tingkatnya berdasarkan parameter fisiologis yang terukur. Hubungan yang signifikan ditemukan antara kondisi lingkungan dengan parameter fisiologis pekerja. HRR menunjukkan perubahan kondisi lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi beban kerja. Tingkat beban kerja greenhouse produksi tomat termasuk dalam tingkat rendah berdasarkan parameter fisiologis yang terukur. Gambar termal menunjukkan suhu wajah dapat melebihi 34.5 °C pada radiasi sinar matahari kuat. Suhu area kepala pekerja terekspos langsung oleh sinar matahari mencapai suhu 41°C. Pelaku greenhouse sebaiknya melakukan pengaturan kerja di greenhouse agar beban kerja tidak berlebih, dan melindungi pekerja yang bekerja pada keadaan panas dan lembab di musim panas.

Many workers work in tomato production greenhouse in Japan, and they are exposed to environmental conditions in the greenhouse during their work. In this study, we measured worker’s heart rate (HR [beats.min-1]), oxygen saturation (SpO2 [%]), body temperature (BT [ºC]), facial temperature (FT [ºC]), head area temperature (HT [ºC]), and also solar radiation (SR [MJ.m-2]), air temperature (AT[ºC]), humidity (HM [%]) to clarify the relationship between worker’s physiological parameters and environmental conditions. Worker’s workload was also examined and determined the level. Three workers who in semi-commercial tomato production greenhouse in the Research Center for High-technology Greenhouse, Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University were employed for this study. Jobs were classified into upper and lower canopy job. Finger pulseoximeter, ear thermometer, and thermal camera were used to measure worker’s physiological parameters. Measurement of worker’s physiological parameters was done when the workers are in the middle of doing jobs. Workload of the jobs was assessed with Heart Rate Reserve (HRR [%]) value, and the workload level was determined by examined the worker’s physiological parameters value measured. Significant correlation was found in relationship between environmental conditions and worker’s physiological parameters. HRR showed workload could change on changing environmental conditions. Workload level of tomato production greenhouse is considered low level based on worker’s physiological parameters measured. Thermal imaging of the workers proved that FT can be increased higher than 34.5 °C under strong SR. Worker’s HT exposed to direct strong SR exceeded 41°C. Greenhouse managers should make some arrangements to evaluate the worker’s workload more appropriately and to protect workers who work in hot and humid summer conditions in Japan.

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