Analisis Sustainability Strategy Program Magister manajemen Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yoandro Edwar, Tarsisius Hani Handoko, Dr., MBA.
2011 | Tesis | S2 Magister ManajemenPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami strategi MM UGM dalam mengadopsi konsep sustainability dan memformulasikan strategi campus sustainability pada MM UGM secara tepat sesuai dengan kapabilitas dan kapasitasnya. Peneliti menggunakan format Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework 1 (CSAF) dalam menilai dan memahami strategi MM UGM. CSAF membagi menjadi beberapa kategori seperti people, ekosistem air, ekosistem udara, ekosistem tanah, ekosistem material, ekosistem energi. Dari Kategori tersebut hampir setiap kategori MM UGM belum optimal dalam implementasi campus sustainability. Oleh karena itu, peneliti melakukan formulasi strategi sesuai dengan prinsip campus sustainability 2 dengan menekankan pada struktur pengelolaan, pengawasan yang jelas, tujuan dan kebijakan dengan menggunakan indikator yang terukur, kepedulian sosial, pembangunan infrastruktur seperti bangunan, transportasi, pengelolaan energi yang efisien, serta maksimalisasi pendidikan dan pelatihan tentang sustainability. MM UGM melakukan sustainability strategy karena didukung oleh komitmen pihak manajemen dalam implementasi campus sustainability, berperan aktif dalam pengelola campus sustainability dan telah memasukkan unsur sustainability dalam setiap perkuliahan. Akan tetapi keterbatasan implementasi campus sustainability karena dipengaruhi oleh ketergantungan dengan pihak fakultas dan universitas, investasi yang belum memadai dan masih minim kesadaran pentingnya sustainability bagi civitas akademika dan masyarakat.
This research aims to understand the MM UGM strategy formulating the concept of sustainability and campus sustainability strategy at MM UGM appropriatly, in accordance with the capabilities and capacities. Researcher using the format Framework Campus Sustainability Assessment 1 (CSAF) in assessing and understanding the MM UGM strategy. CSAF divided into several categories such as people, aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, soil ecosystems, materials ecosystem, energy ecosystem. From these categories almost every category of MM UGM is not optimal in the implementation of campus sustainability. Therefore, researcher conducted in accordance with the principles of strategy formulation campus sustainability 2 with emphasis on management structure, oversight are clear, objective and policy of using measurable indicators, social care, infrastructure development such as buildings, transportation, efficient energy management, and maximizing educational and training on sustainability. Sustainability strategy MM UGM as supported by the commitment of the management in the implementation of campus sustainability, managers play an active role in campus sustainability, and have incorporated elements of sustainability in every lecture. However, limited implementation of campus sustainability because it is influenced by the dependence with the faculty and the university, which has not been adequate investment and still lack awareness of the importance of sustainability to the academic community and society.
Kata Kunci : Strategy, Sustainability, Campus Sustainability