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Analisis pengaruh Self-Leadership terhadap keberhasilan kerja dimediasi oleh Self Efficacy

TAMBUNAN, Damelia Basauli, Dra. Anita Lestari, M.Si

2006 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh self-leadership terhadap keberhasilan kerja yang dimediasi oleh self efficacy. Dalam penelitian ini, self-leadership akan diuji melalui ketiga dimensinya yaitu Behavioral Focus Strategies, Natural Reward Strategies dan Constructive Thought Pattern Strategies, sedangkan self efficacy melalui efficacy strenght dan efficacy skill. Indikator tingkat keberhasilan adalah jumlah bonus yang diterima oleh distributor pada 3 bulan berturut-turut. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah distributor Tianshi dengan jumlah 207 orang. Sebanyak 98 orang (47%) berjenis kelamin laki-laki, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 109 (53%) adalah perempuan. Enam Puluh sembilan persen merupakan distributor bintang 5; dua puluh empat persen bintang 6; enam persen bintang 7 dan satu persen bintang 8. Lamanya distributor bergabung dengan Tianshi bervariasi yaitu sebanyak 50% kurang dari 1 tahun; 40% antara 1 sampai 2 tahun dan yang sudah bergabung lebih dari 2 tahun sebanyak 10%. Data self report yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan regresi berganda (multiple regression) untuk menguji antara variabel dependent dengan independent. Untuk pengujian mediasi digunakan alat analisis regresi bertingkat (hierarchical regression). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa self leadership memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap self efficacy (β=0,674; sig.=0,000; t=13,057). Demikian juga dengan self efficacy ditemukan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keberhasila kerja (β=0,506; sig.=0,000; t=8,410). Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa pengaruh antara self-leadership dengan keberhasilan kerja dimediasi oleh self efficacy. Adapun mediasinya adalah mediasi parsial.

This study was aimed to identify the mediation effect of self efficacy to the interaction between self-leadership and the level of performance. The selfleadership would be identified by the three dimensions; Behavioral Focus Strategies, Natural Reward Strategies dan Constructive Thought Pattern Strategies, then self efficacy would be identified by efficacy strenght and efficacy skill. The Level of performance was indicated by the total amount of distributor’s revenue in three months sequencely. The subjects are 207, they are the member of Tianshi Multilevel marketing. Ninety-eight of participants (47%) are males and 109 others are females (53%). Sixty-nine percent of participants are in the level 5; twenty-four percent are level 6; six percent are level 7 and the last one percent is level 8. Fivety percent of participants have joined in Tianshi less than 1 year; 40% have joined from 1 to 2 years and the last 10% have joined in Tianshi for more than 2 years. The self report data were analyzed using regression analysis to test the relationship between dependent variables and independent variable, and were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis (HRA) to test the mediation relationship. The results show that self leadership had a positive and significant affects to the self efficacy (β=0,674; sig.=0,000; t=13,057). The results also show that self efficacy affects level of performance in the positive and significant way (β=0,506; sig.=0,000; t=8,410). Finally, this study found that self-leadership affecting level of performance and mediated partially by self efficacy.

Kata Kunci : Bisnis MLM,Self Leadership,Self Efficacy, Self-leadership, Self efficacy, Level of Performance and Mediation.

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