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ANY ELVIA JAKFAR, Dr. Arum Febriani, S.Psi., M.A.


Peningkatan populasi lanjut usia (lansia) diikuti dengan tingginya prevalensi depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran persepsi kesehatan dan partisipasi keagamaan terhadap kecenderungan depresi pada lansia. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 2560 lansia (usia 60 - 101 tahun). Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) Gelombang 5 pada tahun 2014. Kecenderungan depresi diukur menggunakan Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)-8, sementara persepsi kesehatan dan partisipasi keagamaan diukur menggunakan single item. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis regresi berganda. Temuan dalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi kesehatan dan partisipasi keagamaan secara bersama-sama memiliki peran terhadap kecenderungan depresi pada lansia di Indonesia. Perolehan sumbangan efektif secara simultan 4,3%. Perolehan sumbangan efektif secara parsial persepsi kesehatan terhadap kecenderungan depresi sejumlah 4,28%, dan sisanya oleh partisipasi keagamaan terhadap kecenderungan depresi.

An increase in the elderly population is followed by a high prevalence of depression. The condition of the elderly is related to health issues. This study aims to determine the role of health perceptions and religious participation towards depression in the elderly. There were 2560 elderly participated in this study (age 60-101 years). This study used secondary data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) Batch 5 in 2014. In order to measure the tendency to depression, this study used the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)-8. Perceptions of health and religious participation were measured using a single item. Data analysis was carried out by performing multiple regression analysis. The findings in this study indicate that perceptions of health and religious participation play a role in the tendency of depression in the elderly in Indonesia. An effective contribution simultaneously is 4.3%. The partial effective contribution of health perception towards a tendency to depression is 4.28%, and the rest of contribution is connected to religious participation towards a tendency to depression.

Kata Kunci : IFLS, kecenderungan depresi, lansia, partisipasi keagamaan, persepsi kesehatan.

  1. S2-2023-466631-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-466631-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-466631-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-466631-title.pdf