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ZITA MELANI HIDAYAT, Dr. Miftahul Ilmi, S.Si., M.Si.

2023 | Skripsi | S1 BIOLOGI

Minyak nabati merupakan sumber biofuel yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini, sayangnya penggunaan minyak nabati sebagai biofuel berkompetisi dengan fungsinya sebagai bahan pangan dan produksi massal dapat memicu deforestasi. Lipid yang diakumulasi mikroorganisme oleaginous (single cell oils) memiliki struktur triasilgliserol yang sama dengan minyak nabati, salah satunya khamir anggota genus Pichia. InaCC memiliki koleksi kultur genus Pichia yang kemampuan mengakumulasi lipidnya belum diuji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan akumulasi, persentase lipid, berat lipid, dan profil asam lemak dari khamir anggota genus Pichia. Sebanyak 8 dari 24 strain Pichia diketahui positif dapat mengakumulasi lipid setelah dilakukan pengujian kualitatif menggunakan Rhodamine B. Setelah diuji secara kuantitatif, persentase lipid yang diakumulasi Pichia koleksi InaCC berada pada kisaran 2,30-24,81% dan berat lipid pada kisaran 0,02-1,40 g/L. Strain dengan akumulasi lipid terbanyak (Y121), diketahui memproduksi biomassa dan mengakumulasi lipid paling tinggi di hari terakhir inkubasi (jam ke-72). Konsumsi glukosa strain Y121 pada jam ke-72 sebesar 88,03% dari total glukosa dalam medium. Profil asam lemak dari lipid yang diakumulasi strain Y121 diantaranya mengandung asam linolelaidat (60,98%), asam palmitat (13,18%), asam gama-linolenat (11,54%), asam oleat (5,44%), asam eikosenoat (4,20%), asam heptadekanoat (2,07%), asam stearat (0,80%), asam nervoat (0,58%), asam cis-10-heptadekanoat (0,43%), asam miristat (0,27%), asam palmitoelat (0,24%), asam laurat (0,14), dan asam alfa-linolenat (0,13%). Lipid Y121 72,65% mengandung PUFA, sehingga tidak baik untuk dijadikan biofuel namun dapat dimanfaatkan di bidang kosmetik dan pelarut.

Vegetable oils are the most widely used source of biofuel nowadays, unfortunately the use of vegetable oils as biofuels competes with its function as foodstuffs and can lead to deforestation. Lipid accumulated by oleaginous microorganisms (single cell oils) have the same triacylglycerol structure as vegetable oils, one of which are Pichia member yeasts. InaCC has a collection of cultures of Pichia whose lipid accumulation ability has not been tested. This study aims to determine the ability to accumulate lipids, the lipid percentage, the lipid weight, and the fatty acids profile of Pichia. Based on qualitative test with Rhodamine B dye, there are 8 out of 24 strains can accumulate lipid in their cells. After being tested quantitatively, the lipid percentage of InaCC's Pichia was in range of 2,30-24,81% and the weight of lipids in the range of 0,02-1,40 g/L. The strain that was able to accumulate the most lipids (Y121) produced the highest biomass and lipids at 72 hours. The glucose consumption of Y121 at 72 hours was 88,03% of total glucose in the medium. The fatty acids profile accumulated by strain Y121 included linolelaidic acid (60,98%), palmitic acid (13,18%), gama-linolenic acid (11,54%), oleic acid (5,44%), eicosenoic acid (4,20%), heptadecanoic acid (2,07%), stearic acid (0,80%), nervoic acid (0,58%), cis-10-heptadecanoic acid (0,43%), myristic acid (0,27%), palmitoelic acid (0,24%), lauric acid (0,14), dan alfa-linolenic acid (0,13%). Y121 lipid profile contains 72,65% PUFA, so it's not good for biofuels. However, it can still be used in the field of cosmetics and solvents.

Kata Kunci : single cell oils, Rhodamine B, persentase lipid, berat lipid, profil asam lemak, PUFA

  1. S1-2023-429405-title.pdf