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M SYAFI'ATOL HUDA, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 BIOLOGI

Cucurbitaceae merupakan salah satu spesies kelompok tanaman holtikultura semusim yang memiliki manfaat dan prospek ekonomi yang tinggi. Fakultas Biologi Universitas Gadjah Mada menjadi salah satu lembaga pendidikan tinggi yang sedang mengembangkan penelitian dan budidaya pada famili Cucurbitacea seperti kultivar melon ‘Hikapel’, semangka ‘Citra Jingga’, dan labu susu ‘Citra Laga’. Namun, dalam pengembangannya terdapat kendala yang diakibatkan oleh penyakit kuning. Penyakit kuning dilaporkan utamanya disebabkan oleh infeksi Begomovirus. Infeksi Begomovirus ini dapat menyebabkan gejala morfologis yang berbeda-beda setiap kasusnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi infeksi Begomovirus, gejala morfologis dan tingkat resistensi tanaman kultivar melon ‘Hikapel’, semangka ‘Citra Jingga’, dan labu susu ‘Citra Laga’ di Desa Madurejo, Prambanan, Sleman, D. I. Yogyakarta. Karakter yang diamati berupa gejala morfologis pada tanaman, skoring gejala morfologis dan analisis molekular. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati tinggi tanaman, produksi buah, skoring gejala, dan amplifikasi PCR dengan primer coat protein Begomovirus Krusty dan Homer. Hasil analisis molekular dengan menggunakan PCR pada tanaman melon ‘Hikapel’, semangka ‘Citra Jingga’, dan labu susu ‘Citra Laga’ menunjukkan bahwa gejala yang muncul merupakan infeksi Begomovirus. Respon gejala yang muncul terhadap infeksi tersebut berupa mozaik kuning pada daun, daun kriting dibagian ujung dan beberapa mengalami stunting. Hasil skoring menunjukkan bahwa tanaman melon ‘Hikapel’ rentan terhadap infeksi Begomovirus, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai VI = 85%, tanaman semangka ‘Citra Jingga’ cukup tahan terhadap infeksi Begomovirus, yang ditunjukan dengan nilai VI = 50%, dan tanaman labu susu ‘Citra Laga’ cukup rentan terhadap infeksi Begomovirus, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai VI = 57,5%. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ketiga kultivar terinfeksi Begomovirus dengan gejala mozaik kuning pada daun, daun kriting dibagian ujung dan beberapa mengalami stunting serta tanaman melon ‘Hikapel’ memiliki tingkat resistensi rentan terhadap infeksi Begomovirus, tanaman semangka ‘Citra Jingga’ cukup tahan terhadap infeksi Begomovirus, dan tanaman labu susu ‘Citra Laga’ cukup rentan terhadap infeksi Begomovirus.

Cucurbitaceae is one of the species of the annual horticultural plant group that has high benefits and economic prospects. The Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University is one of the higher education institutions that is developing research and cultivation on the Cucurbitacea family such as the melon cultivar 'Hikapel', watermelon 'Citra Jingga', and butternut squash 'Citra Laga'. However, in its development there are obstacles caused by jaundice. Jaundice is reported to be mainly caused by Begomovirus infection. This Begomovirus infection can cause different morphological symptoms in each case. This study aimed to detect Begomovirus infection, morphological symptoms and resistance levels of melon 'Hikapel' cultivars, watermelon 'Citra Jingga', and butternut squash 'Citra Laga' in Madurejo Village, Prambanan, Sleman, D. I. Yogyakarta. The observed characters were morphological symptoms in plants, scoring of morphological symptoms and molecular analysis. The research method was carried out by observing plant height, fruit production, symptom scoring, and PCR amplification with Krusty and Homer Begomovirus coat protein primers. The results of molecular analysis using PCR on 'Hikapel' melon, 'Citra Jingga' watermelon, and 'Citra Laga' butternut squash on the symptoms that appear were Begomovirus infection. The symptom response that appears to the infection was in the form of yellow mosaics on the leaves, curly leaves at the ends and some were stunted. The scoring results showed that the 'Hikapel' melon plant was susceptible to Begomovirus infection, which was indicated by a VI = 85%, the 'Citra Jingga' watermelon plant was quite resistant to Begomovirus infection, which was indicated by a VI = 50% value, and the 'Citra Laga' butternut squash plant was is quite susceptible to Begomovirus infection, which is indicated by the value of VI = 57.5%. Based on this study, it was concluded that the three cultivars were infected with Begomovirus with yellow mosaic symptoms on the leaves, curly leaves at the ends and some were stunted and the 'Hikapel' melon plant had a high level of resistance to Begomovirus infection, the 'Citra Jingga' watermelon plant was quite resistant to Begomovirus infection, and the 'Citra Laga' butternut squash plant is quite susceptible to Begomovirus infection.

Kata Kunci : Begomovirus, Famili Cucurbitaceae, Gejala Morfologis, PCR.