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NURIN AMIROTUL C., Abdul Jawat Nur, S.S., M.Hum.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 SASTRA ARAB

Penelitian ini membahas jenis-jenis dan maksud tindak tutur direktif dalam novel Banku Al-Qalaqi karya Taufiq Al-Hakim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dan maksud tindak tutur direktif yang ada pada novel Banku Al-Qalaqi karya Taufiq Al-Hakim. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori pragmatik. Data penelitian ini, yaitu percakapan-percakapan dalam novel Banku Al-Qalaqi karya Taufiq Al-Hakim yang mengandung tindak tutur direktif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode simak catat, kemudian dianalisis dengan metode padan pragmatik. Selanjutnya, pada tahap penyajian hasil analisis data digunakan metode informal. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, pada novel Banku Al-Qalaqi ditemukan jenis tindak tutur direktif langsung dan tidak langsung. Tindak tutur direktif langsung menggunakan kalimat imperatif (amr) dalam bentuk fi'l amr dan mashdar an fi'l amr serta fi'l mudzari' majzum yang didahului lam an-nahiyyah. Kemudian tindak tutur direktif tidak langsung berupa kalimat deklaratif (kalam khabar) dan kalimat interogatif (istifham). Selain itu, maksud-maksud tindak tutur direktif dalam novel Banku Al-Qalaqi yaitu amr (perintah), isti'zan (meminta izin), iltimas (permohonan), tasyji' (memberi semangat), nahy (larangan), iqtirah (memberi saran), du'a (mendoakan), istifta' (meminta pendapat), istifham (memintan penjelasan), dan tama'nah (meyakinkan).

This research discusses the types of directive speech acts and the purposes of directive speech in the novel Banku Al-Qalaqi by Taufiq Al-Hakim. The purpose of this study was to determine the types and the purposes of directive speech acts in the novel Banku Al-Qalaqi by Taufiq Al-Hakim. The theory used in this research is pragmatic theory. The data of this research are the sentences in the novel Banku Al-Qalaqi by Taufiq Al-Hakim which contain directive speech acts. The data was obtained using the note-taking method, and then analyzed using the padan pragmatic method. An then at the stage of presenting the results of data analysis using the informal method. Based on the research that has been done, in the novel Banku Al-Qalaqi found types of direct and indirect directive speech acts. Direct directive speech acts use imperative sentences (amr) in the form of fi'l amr and m fi'l amr and mashdar na'ib 'an fi'l amr serta fi'l mudzari' majzum preceded lam an-nahiyah. Then the indirect directive speech act is a declarative sentence and interrogative sentences. In addition, the purposes of directive speech acts in the novel Banku Al-Qalaqi are command, ask permissions, request, to encourage, prohibition, give advice, praying, asking for opinion, asking an explanation, and convincing.

Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : tindak tutur direktif, Banku Al-Qalaqi, pragmatik.

  1. S1-2022-424838-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-424838-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-424838-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-424838-title.pdf