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HOT MARANGKUP TUMPAL, Fahmi Prihantoro, S.S., S.H., M.A.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 ARKEOLOGI

Datangnya suku Tionghoa ke Indonesia yang kemudian menetap umumnya diikuti dengan pendirian kelenteng. Salah satu kota yang memiliki kelenteng adalah Kota Batam. Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio di Nagoya yang diresmikan pada tahun 1986 dianggap sebagai kelenteng yang tertua di Kota Batam. Arsitektur setiap kelenteng umumnya sama meskipun tidak jarang terdapat perbedaan yang menjadi identitas (karakteristik) kelenteng. Penelitian arkeologi dapat diperpanjang hingga ke era pasca kemerdekaan Indonesia sebab boleh jadi kelenteng-kelenteng tersebut memiliki ciri-ciri tersendiri. Tesis Keling (2020) mengungkapkan bahwa kelenteng-kelenteng yang didirikan sesudah abad ke-19 Masehi di Bali cenderung dekat dengan permukiman yang padat penduduk dan arus lalu-lintas darat (jalan). Kelenteng-kelenteng tersebut cenderung beriorientasi ke arah sumber air buatan (waduk, kolam air) atau jalan raya. Morfologi bentukan tanahnya rata serta membelakangi gedung tinggi sebagai bentuk adaptasi bagian belakang formasi kura-kura hitam meskipun ada juga yang tidak mengubah formasi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi arsitektur Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dan menggunakan metode penalaran induktif. Informasi dari observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka dianalisis untuk menghasilkan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio memperlihatkan ciri khas bangunan Tionghoa secara fisik dan nonfisik. Arsitektur Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio juga menunjukkan sedikit kemiripan dengan kelenteng-kelenteng di Bali yang juga dibangun di era pasca kemerdekaan Indonesia, yaitu pada bagian letak dan arah hadap. Selain itu, arsitektur Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio memiliki beberapa karakteristik, yaitu berada di lokasi yang mudah diakses, menggunakan material-material seperti besi, keramik, dan beton sebagai bahan konstruksi bangunan, dan tidak adanya dou gong. Adapun arsitektur Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, seperti, politik, sosial, dan teknologi bangunan.

The arrival of the Chinese tribe to Indonesia who later settled was generally followed by the establishment of a temple. One of the cities that has a temple is Batam City. The Tua Pek Kong Bio Chinese Temple in Nagoya which was inaugurated in 1986 is believed to be the oldest temple in Batam City. The architecture of each temple is generally the same although it is not uncommon for differences to become the identity (characteristics) of the temple. Archaeological research should be extended to the post-independence era of Indonesia because perhaps these temples have their own characteristics. Keling’s (2020) thesis reveals that temples in Bali that were built after the 19th century AD tend to be close to densely populated settlements and land traffic (roads). These temples tend to face towards an artificial water source (reservoir, water pond) or a main road. The morphology of the ground formation is flat and behind a tall building as a form of adaptation to the back of the black turtle formation although there are also those who do not change the formation. This study aims to identify the characteristics and factors that influence the architecture of the Tua Pek Kong Bio Chinese Temple. This research is descriptive and uses inductive reasoning method. Information from observation, interviews, and literature studies are analyzed to produce conclusions. The result of this study is that the Tua Pek Kong Bio Chinese Temple shows the physical and non-physical characteristics of Chinese buildings. The architecture of the Tua Pek Kong Bio Chinese Temple also shows a slight resemblance to the temples in Bali which were also built in the post-independence era of Indonesia, namely in terms of location and facing direction. In addition, the architecture of the Tua Pek Kong Bio Chinese Temple has several characteristics, namely being in an easily accessible location, using materials such as iron, ceramics, and concrete as building construction materials, and the absence of dou gong. The architecture of Tua Pek Kong Bio Chinese Temple is influenced by factors, such as, politics, social, and building technology.

Kata Kunci : Kelenteng Tua Pek Kong Bio, arsitektur, karakteristik, faktor-faktor

  1. S1-2022-424777-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-424777-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-424777-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-424777-title.pdf