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The Impact of Withdrawal of The United States' Generalized System of Preferences (Us-Gsp) on the Productivity of Indonesia's Main Food Commodities

NOVIA RAHMAYANTI, Prof. Tri Widodo, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D.


Pangan merupakan kebutuhan mendasar bagi terwujudnya kemakmuran masyarakat suatu negara. Liberalisasi perdagangan dibutuhkan suatu negara untuk menjamin pemenuhan kebutuhan tersebut terpenuhi. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) merupakan fasilitas perdagangan berupa pembebasan tarif bea masuk yang diberikan secara unilateral oleh pemerintah negara-negara maju kepada negara-negara berkembang di dunia. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara penerima program GSP dari Amerika Serikat. Program GSP Amerika Serikat yang diberikan kepada Indonesia dapat ditarik maupun ditangguhkan sewaktu-waktu secara sepihak oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat jika Indonesia dianggap tidak lagi memenuhi ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkirakan dampak yang ditimbulkan dari penarikan GSP Amerika Serikat terhadap produktivitas komoditas pangan utama (padi, jagung, kedelai, dan gula) Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan simulasi menggunakan Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) versi 9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penarikan program GSP Amerika Serikat memberikan dampak terhadap produktivitas komoditas pangan utama Indonesia. Terjadi peningkatan terhadap output agregat komoditas padi, kedelai, dan gula sedangkan komoditas jagung mengalami penurunan. Volume impor pada keempat komoditas pangan utama Indonesia mengalami penurunan setelah penarikan program GSP Amerika Serikat. Sedangkan volume ekspor pada keempat komoditas pangan utama Indonesia mengalami peningkatan. Penurunan tersebut juga terjadi pada harga komoditas domestik Indonesia, termasuk empat komoditas pangan utama Indonesia yaitu padi, jagung, kedelai, dan gula. Terakhir, penarikan program GSP Amerika Serikat memberikan dampak terhadap harga faktor produksi Indonesia. Harga land, unskilled labor, skilled labor, capital, dan natural resources mengalami penurunan setelah penarikan program GSP Amerika Serikat terhadap produk Indonesia.

Food is a basic need for the realization of the prosperity of the people of a country. Trade liberalization is needed by a country to ensure that these needs are met. The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) is a trade facility in the form of exemption from import duty tariffs which is granted unilaterally by the governments of developed countries to developing countries in the world. Indonesia is one of the countries receiving the GSP program from the United States. The United States GSP program granted to Indonesia can be withdrawn or suspended at any time unilaterally by the United States government if Indonesia is deemed no longer in compliance with the provisions set by the United States government. The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of the withdrawal of the United States GSP on the productivity of Indonesia's main food commodities (rice, corn, soybeans, and sugar). In this study, a simulation was carried out using the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) version 9. The results showed that the withdrawal of the United States GSP program had an impact on the productivity of Indonesia's main food commodities. There was an increase in the aggregate output of rice, soybean, and sugar commodities, while the maize commodity experienced a decline. The volume of imports in Indonesia's four main food commodities decreased after the withdrawal of the US GSP program. Meanwhile, the export volume of Indonesia's four main food commodities has increased. The decline also occurred in Indonesia's domestic commodity prices, including Indonesia's four main food commodities, namely rice, corn, soybeans and sugar. Finally, the withdrawal of the United States GSP program has an impact on the prices of Indonesian factors of production. Prices of land, unskilled labor, skilled labor, capital, and natural resources have decreased after the withdrawal of the United States GSP program for Indonesian products.

Kata Kunci : Tarif, Komoditas Pangan Utama, Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP)

  1. S2-2022-452866-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-452866-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-452866-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-452866-title.pdf