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Analisis Permasalahan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Pekerja Work From Home Terdampak Pandemi COVID-19

RADEN IQBAL HAWARI M, Ir. Rini Dharmastiti, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM.; Ir, Ardiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.,AEP., IPM


Menghadapi situasi pandemi COVID-19, penerapan pola kerja work from home menjadi langkah efektif untuk mengurangi penyebaran COVID-19 termasuk di Indonesia. Namun, tidak adanya pengawasan terhadap implementasi work from home, dan persiapan yang kurang dapat memberikan dampak pada kesehatan pekerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkatan prevalensi dan trend hubungan permasalahan kesehatan terhadap intensitas work from home, mengetahui hubungan data demografis, lingkungan dan kondisi kerja, dan intensitas work from home terhadap permasalahan kesehatan, dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk mengurangi permasalahan kesehatan pada pekerja work from home terdampak pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Penelitian cross-sectional study ini menganalisis permasalahan kesehatan kerja pada pekerja work from home terdampak pandemi COVID-19 selama tahun 2021. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner online melalui google forms selama bulan November � Desember 2021. Responden berasal dari instansi yang menerapkan work from home terdampak pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel exposure berupa intensitas work from home yang terdiri dari satu sampai lima hari seminggu dan variabel outcomes berupa 23 permasalahan kesehatan yang dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square for trend untuk mengetahui analisis trend dan besaran prevalensi permasalahan kesehatan terkait intensitas work from home. Kemudian dari hasil yang didapatkan dilakukan analisis lanjutan dengan regresi logistik terhadap variabel exposure berupa data demografis, kondisi dan lingkungan kerja, dan intensitas work from home, untuk mengetahui rasio prevalensi permasalahan kesehatan terkait variabel exposure. Sebanyak 411 pekerja berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Prevelansi tertinggi pada setiap jenis permasalahan kesehatan antara lain peningkatan berat badan, sakit leher dan bahu, gejala mata, migrain, dan hilangnya semangat bekerja. Selain itu terdapat permasalahan kesehatan yang memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap intensitas work from home yaitu sakit punggung, sakit leher dan bahu, sakit ekstremitas atas, gejala mata, infeksi saluran kemih, kecemasan, depresi, dan kehilangan semangat kerja. Variabel exposure lainnya seperti faktor demografis, kondisi dan lingkungan kerja, dan intensitas work from home juga memiliki hubungan dengan beberapa permasalahan kesehatan. Rekomendasi juga diberikan untuk dapat diterapkan pada work from home selanjutnya. Diperlukan adanya peraturan dan kesadaran dari perusahaan dan pekerja untuk menciptakan lingkungan kerja di rumah yang aman, nyaman, dan sehat pada saat dan setelah pandemi.

In the face of a COVID-19 pandemic, implementing a work-from-home pattern is an effective way to reduce the COVID-19 spread, including in Indonesia. However, the absence of supervision when implementing work from home, as well as a lack of preparation, can negatively impact worker health. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and trend of the relationship between health problems and the intensity of work from home, the relationship between demographic data, work environment and conditions, and the intensity of working from home to health problems, and to provide recommendations to reduce health problems for work from home workers. This cross-sectional study analyzes occupational health problems for work-from-home workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. Between November 2021 and December 2021, data was collected using Google Forms questionnaires. Respondents came from agencies that implemented work from home affected by the pandemic. COVID-19. In this research, one to five days of work from home per week are used as an exposure variable, and 23 health problems are used as outcomes variables, which are analyzed using chi-square for trend tests to determine the prevalence of health problems and trend associated with work from home intensity. The analysis was used to conduct additional logistic regression analysis on the exposure variables in the form of demographic, working conditions and environment, and the intensity of work from home, to determine the prevalence ratio of health problems related to the exposure variable. This study included 411 workers in total. Weight gain, neck and shoulder pain, eye symptoms, migraines, and loss of enthusiasm for work had the highest prevalence for each type of health problem. Furthermore, there are health issues that are related to the intensity of work from homes, such as back pain, neck and shoulder pain, upper extremity pain, eye symptoms, urinary tract infections, anxiety, depression, and morale loss. Other exposure variables, such as demographic factors, working conditions and environment, and the intensity of work from home, are also linked to various health issues. Recommendations are also provided for the next work-from-home opportunity. Regulations and worker awareness are required to create a safe, comfortable, and healthy work environment at home during and after the pandemic.

Kata Kunci : Work from home, Kesehatan Kerja, Permasalahan Kesehatan, Chi Square, Regresi Logistik Multinomial

  1. S2-2022-467429-Abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-467429-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-467429-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-467429-title.pdf