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Bioavailabilitas β-Karoten In Vitro Produk Minuman Jeli dan Flakes yang Diperkaya Nanokapsul Karotenoid Arthrospira platensis

MUSTAFA PRASODJO, Dr. R.A. Siti Ari Budhiyanti, S.T.P., M.P.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bioavailabilitas &beta;-karoten in vitro produk minuman jeli dan flakes yang diperkaya nanokapsul karotenoid Arthrospira platensis. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan minuman jeli dan flakes yang ditambah dengan nanokapsul karotenoid A. platensis. Perlakuan yang diberikan dengan membuat minuman jeli nanokapsul karotenoid A. platensis dengan konsentrasi 0,1%; flakes nanokapsul karotenoid A. platensis dengan konsentrasi 0,24%; minuman jeli karotenoid A. platensis dengan konsentrasi 0,4%; flakes karotenoid A. platensis dengan konsentrasi 2,5%; minuman jeli kontrol; dan flakes kontrol. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan pengujian bioavailabilitas &beta;-karoten secara in vitro melalui 4 tahapan, yaitu fase pengunyahan, fase pencernaan, fase penyerapan, dan analisis senyawa &beta;-karoten setelah proses metabolisme. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini, yaitu kadar air, nilai pH, kadar karotenoid total fraksi supernatan dan pellet/residu, serta aktivitas antioksidan fraksi supernatan dan pellet/residu pada masing-masing fase pasca metabolisme. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA (One Way Analysis of Varian) dan dilakukan uji lanjut DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) dengan signifikansi 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan fortifikasi berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap kadar air, karotenoid total supernatan & pellet/residu, aktivitas antioksidan supernatan & pellet/residu pasca proses metabolisme, serta bioavailabilitas &beta;-karoten in vitro. Namun, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai pH pasca proses metabolisme (p>0,05). Nilai bioavailabilitas &beta;-karoten in vitro terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan minuman jeli nanokapsul karotenoid A. platensis 0,1% sebesar 84,90 &plusmn;2,28%.

This study aims to determine the in vitro bioavailability of &beta;-carotene in jelly and flakes beverage products enriched with carotenoid nanocapsules Arthrospira platensis. The steps in this study were started with the manufacture of jelly drinks and flakes which were added with A. platensis carotenoid nanocapsules. The treatment was given by making A. platensis carotenoid nanocapsule jelly drink with a concentration of 0,1%; flakes of carotenoid nanocapsules of A. platensis with a concentration of 0,24%; A. platensis carotenoid jelly drink with a concentration of 0,4%; carotenoid flakes A. platensis with a concentration of 2,5%; control jelly drink; and control flakes. Then, it was continued by testing the bioavailability of &beta;-carotene in vitro through 4 stages, namely the mastication phase, the digestion phase, the absorption phase, and the analysis of &beta;-carotene compounds after the metabolic process. The parameters observed in this study were water content, pH value, total carotenoid content of supernatant and pellet/residue fractions, and antioxidant activity of supernatant and pellet/residue fractions in each post-metabolic phase. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) model. The data were analyzed using ANOVA (One Way Analysis of Variance) and further test of DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test) was performed with 95% significance. The results showed that the fortification treatment had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the water content, total carotenoids of the supernatant & pellet/residue, as well as the antioxidant activity of the supernatant & pellet/residue after the metabolic process, and in vitro &beta;-carotene bioavailability. However, it did not significantly affect the pH value after the metabolic process (p>0.05). The best in vitro &beta;-carotene bioavailability value was obtained in the treatment of A. platensis carotenoid nanocapsules jelly drink 0,1% at 84,90 &plsmn;2,28%.

Kata Kunci : Bioavailabilitas &beta;-karoten, minuman jeli, flakes, nanokapsul karotenoid Arthrospira platensis

  1. S1-2022-424451-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-424451-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-424451-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-424451-title.pdf