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FATHONI EGA MULYANA, Dr. Deni Pranowo, M.Si.; Dra. Tutik Dwi Wahyuningsih, M.Si., Ph.D.

2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER KIMIA

Sintesis kalkon dari turunan metoksiasetofenon yaitu 2-metoksiasetofenon, 3-metoksiasetofenon, dan 4-metoksiasetofenon dan isomer piridinkarbaldehida dalam bentuk 2-, 3-, dan 4-piridinkarbaldehida serta uji aktivitasnya sebagai senyawa antimalaria telah dilakukan. Semua kalkon disintesis menggunakan metode pengadukan selama 5 jam pada temperatur rendah (0-10 C) dengan NaOH sebagai katalis dan metanol sebagai pelarut. Elusidasi struktur terhadap produk hasil sintesis dilakukan dengan spektrometer FTIR, GC-MS, 1H- dan 13C-NMR. Kalkon hasil sintesis diuji aktivitasnya sebagai senyawa antimalaria secara in vitro terhadap P. falciparum 3D7 dan FCR3. Berdasar hasil penelitian diperoleh kalkon A, B, C, D, E, dan F berupa padatan berwarna kekuningan dengan rendemen masing-masing sebesar 53,74%; 78,01%; 57,12%; 71,65%; 75,23%; dan 86,37%. Uji antimalaria kalkon A, B, C, D, E, dan F terhadap P. falciparum 3D7 dan FCR3 menunjukkan bahwa semua kalkon aktif sebagai agen antimalaria dengan kisaran nilai IC50 1-20 mikroM. Kalkon A merupakan senyawa yang paling aktif dengan nilai IC50 2,02 dan 1,31 mikroM terhadap P. falciparum 3D7 dan FCR3.

Synthesis of chalcones from methoxyacetophenone derivatives, i.e., 2-methoxyacetophenone, 3-methoxyacetophenone, and 4-methoxyacetophenone and pyridinecarbaldehyde isomers in the form of 2-, 3-, and 4-pyridinecarbaldehyd, and their activity test as antimalarial compounds has been conducted. All chalcones were synthesized under the stirring method for 5 hours at low temperature (0-10 C) using NaOH as a catalyst in methanol as solvent. Structure elucidations of the synthesized products were carried out using FTIR, GC-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR spectrometers. The synthesized chalcones were tested for their activity as an antimalarial compound in vitro against P. falciparum 3D7 and FCR3. The results showed that chalcone A, B, C, D, E, and F were obtained as a yellowish solid in 53.74%; 78.01%; 57.12%; 71.65%; 75.23%; and 86.3% yield, respectively. The antimalarial assays of chalcone A, B, C, D, E, and F against P. falciparum 3D7 and FCR3 showed that all chalcones were active as antimalarial agents with IC50 values between 1-20 microM. Chalcone A appeared as the most active compound with IC50 values of 2.02 and 1.31 microM for P. falciparum 3D7 and FCR3, respectively.

Kata Kunci : antimalaria, kalkon, metoksiasetofenon, piridinkarbaldehida

  1. S2-2022-466457-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-466457-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-466457-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-466457-title.pdf