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YOHANES ANTONI L, Prof. dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad (K), DHSM;dr. Anita Ekowati, Sp. Rad (K)


Tujuan: Mencari korelasi antara rasio monosit-limfosit (MLR) terhadap Brixia score foto thorax pasien COVID-19 dihubungkan dengan keluaran klinis Metode: Antara November 2021-April 2022, seluruh pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat dr. Sardjito dilacak. Pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dihitung MLR dan Brixia score foto thorax awal saat masuk rumah sakit, kemudian dilakukan uji statistik. Hasil: Sebanyak 32 pasien dengan pneumonia COVID-19 menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini. Hasilnya terdapat korelasi lemah antara MLR dan Brixia score foto thorax (koefisien korelasi/rho 0.254; p 0.161). Rerata Brixia score antara pasien yang meninggal dunia vs sembuh adalah 13.2 vs 4.0, p<0.01. Rerata MLR antara pasien yang meninggal dunia vs sembuh adalah 0.52 vs 0.38, p 0.297. Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi lemah antara Brixia score dan MLR yang tidak bermakna secara statistik. Terdapat perbedaan rerata Brixia score yang signifikan antara pasien COVID-19 yang meninggal dunia dibandingkan dengan yang sembuh. Tidak terdapat perbedaan rerata MLR yang signifikan antara pasien COVID-19 yang meninggal dunia dibandingkan dengan yang sembuh.

Objective: To find the correlation between the monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR) to the Brixia score on chest X-rays of COVID-19 patients with clinical outcomes. Methods: Between November 2021-April 2022, all COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized at the dr. Sardjito is tracked down. Patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were counted as MLR and Brixia score on the initial chest X-ray when admitted to the hospital, then statistical tests were performed. Results: A total of 32 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were sampled in this study. The result is that there is a weak correlation between MLR and Brixia score on chest X-ray (correlation coefficient/rho 0.254; p 0.161). The mean Brixia score between patients who died vs. recovered was 13.2 vs. 4.0, p<0.01. The mean MLR between patients who died vs. recovered was 0.52 vs. 0.38, p 0.297. Conclusion: There is a weak correlation between Brixia score and MLR which is not statistically significant. There is a significant difference in the average Brixia score between COVID-19 patients who died compared to those who recovered. There was no significant difference in the mean MLR between COVID-19 patients who died compared to those who recovered.

Kata Kunci : Brixia score, MLR, radiografi thorax, COVID-19

  1. S2-2022-433413-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-433413-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-433413-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-433413-title.pdf