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R AYU PUWAN BTARY K, Angga Eko Pramono, S.K.M, M.P.H.


Latar Belakang: Penyebab dasar kematian utama (Underlying Cause of Death) adalah penyakit atau cedera yang menimbulkan serangkaian kejadian yang berakhir dengan kematian. Pencatatan, pengkodean dan pendokumentasian UcoD penting untuk dilakukan. Literature terkait ketepatan kode penyebab dasar kematian sudah banyak dilakukan, namun belum ada yang studi literature terkait ketepatan dan pelaksanaan pengkodean penyebab dasar kematian. Tujuan: Untuk mereview literature terkait ketepatan kode diagnosis penyebab dasar kematian atau Underlying Cause Of Death (UcoD). Metode: Jenis penelitian traditional (narrative) review dengan metode literature review synthesize. Pencarian literature menggunakan metode handsearching dan database Google Schoolar. Hasil: Dari total hasil pencarian literature sebanyak 212 artikel diperoleh 16 artikel yang termasuk kedalam ulasan. Belum semua rumah sakit memiliki SOP dan melaksanaan penentuan penyebab dasar kematian (UCoD) sesuai standar ICD-10. Presentase tingkat ketepatan kode berdasarkan range presentase. Sejumlah 12 artikel membahas faktor penyebab ketidaktepatan kode penyebab dasar kematian. Sebanyak 15 artikel membahas saran atau alternatif solusi yang dapat diterapkan terhadap permasalahan ketidaktepatan kode penyebab dasar kematian. Kesimpulan: Diketahui hampir seluruh rumah sakit belum memiliki SOP pengkodean penentuan diagnosa sebab dasar kematian. presentase tingkat ketepatan kode diagnosa utama penyebab dasar kematian paling banyak berada pada kisaran angka > 25 – ≤ 50 % serta > 50 – ≤ 75 %. Faktor penyebab ketidaktepatan penyebab dasar kematian berasal dari unsur Man, Material, Machine dan Methode. Diperoleh lima besar Alternatif solusi terhadap ketidaktepatan kode penyebab dasar kematian berdasarkan perangkingan artikel. Kata kunci: Penyebab Dasar Kematian, Underlying cause of death, UcoD, Kode Mortalitas

Background: The main underlying cause of death (Underlying Cause of Death) is a disease or injury that causes a series of events that end in death. Recording, coding and documentation of UcoD is important to do. There has been a lot of literature related to the accuracy of the basic cause of death coding, but there has been no literature study related to the accuracy and implementation of the basic cause of death coding. Objective: To review the literature regarding the accuracy of the Underlying Cause of Death (UcoD) diagnostic code. Methods: This type of research is traditional (narrative) review with the literature review synthesize method. Search literature using the handsearching method and the Google Schoolar database Results: From the total results of a literature search of 212 articles, 16 articles were obtained which were included in the review. Not all hospitals have SOPs and carry out the determination of the basic cause of death (UCoD) according to the ICD-10 standard. The percentage level of code accuracy based on the percentage range. A total of 12 articles discussed the factors that contributed to the inaccuracy of the underlying cause of death codes. A total of 15 articles discuss suggestions or alternative solutions that can be applied to the problem of inaccuracy in the code of basic causes of death. Conclusion: It is known that almost all hospitals do not have a SOP for coding the determination of the basic cause of death diagnosis. the percentage level of accuracy of the main diagnostic code for the most basic causes of death is in the range of numbers > 25 – 50 % and > 50 – 75 %. Factors causing the inaccuracy of the basic causes of death come from the elements of Man, Material, Machine and Method. The top five alternative solutions to the inaccuracy of the code for the underlying cause of death were obtained based on the ranking of articles. Keywords: Basic Cause of Death, Underlying cause of death, UcoD, Mortality Code

Kata Kunci : Penyebab Dasar Kematian, Underlying cause of death, UcoD, Kode Mortalitas