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Dinamika Faksionalisme Partai Politik di Indonesia (Studi Kasus: PDIP di Kabupaten Gunungkidul)

ROFII ZUHDI K, Dr. Rer. Pol. Mada Sukmajati, S.IP., M.P.P.


Pilkada Gunungkidul 2015 dan 2020 menjadi kekalahan berturut-turut bagi kandidat calon dari PDIP. Kekalahan kandidat partai merupakan petaka buruk bagi DPC PDIP Gunungkidul yang merupakan partai terbesar di Gunungkidul. Fenomena tersebut sungguh ironis dan memunculkan pertanyaan besar. Guna menjawab pertanyaan mengenai tumbangnya PDIP di setiap gelaran Pilkada Gunungkidul, penting untuk mengurai sebab di balik kekalahan sang banteng. Adapun, penelitian ini melihatnya dari sisi faksionalisme internal DPC PDIP Gunungkidul dan dampaknya pada kekalahan kandidat PDIP di Pilkada Gunungkidul. Dalam menemukan jawaban, penulis menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka, observasi, dan wawancara. Sedangkan sebagai alat analisis, penulis menggabungkan 3 konsep yakni, indikator faksionalisme, faksionalisme degeneratif dan dampak faksionalisme. Konsep indikator faksionalisme digunakan untuk mengetahui dinamika faksionalisme yang terjadi internal DPC PDIP Gunungkidul. Lalu, konsep faksionalisme degeneratif untuk menjustifikasi perubahan wajah faksionalisme DPC PDIP Gunungkidul yang semakin menguat dan berdampak buruk pada partai. Terakhir, konsep dampak faksionalisme untuk melihat bagaimana perubahan wajah dan dinamika faksionalisme DPC PDIP Gunungkidul berdampak pada kontestasi elektoral. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa proses penguatan faksionalisme DPC PDIP Gunungkidul hingga berwajah faksionalisme degeneratif terjadi semenjak adanya perubahan sistem yang semakin sentralistik. Perubahan sistem menyebabkan munculnya faksi-faksi yang melakukan penggembosan suara terhadap calon dari PDIP karena merasa aspirasi sudah disumbat oleh sistem organisasi partai. Kemunculan Barisan Banteng Ketaton yang membuat amunisi PDIP digerogoti sebelum bertarung dan diputusnya komunikasi politik dengan partai lain sehingga PDIP terkucilkan di antara para partai. Disisi lain terjadi ketidakpercayaan di dalam tim pemenangan yang menghambat kinerja kampanye. Semua kejadian tersebut merupakan dampak faksionalisme DPC PDIP Gunungkidul yang pada akhirnya membuat suara PDIP tak pernah maksimal di Pilkada Gunungkidul 2015 dan 2020.

Heads Elections of Gunungkidul 2015 and 2020 were consecutive defeats for the candidates from the PDIP. The defeat of the party candidate is a bad disaster for the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul, which is the largest party in Gunungkidul. This phenomenon is ironic and raises big questions. To answer the question regarding the downfall of the PDIP in every Heads Elections of Gunungkidul, it is important to unravel the reasons behind the bull's defeat. Meanwhile, this study looks at it from the side of the internal factionalism at the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul and its impact on the defeat of the PDIP candidates in the Heads Elections of Gunungkidul. To find the answers, the author uses a case study approach, with data collection through literature review, observation, and interviews. Meanwhile, as the tools of analysis, the author combines 3 concepts, which are indicators of factionalism, degenerative factionalism, and the impact of factionalism. The concept of factionalism indicators is used to determine the dynamics of factionalism that occurs internally in the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul. Then, the concept of degenerative factionalism to justify the changes face of factionalism in the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul is getting stronger and has a bad impact on the party. Finally, the concept of the impact of factionalism to see how changes in the face and dynamics of the factionalism of the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul have an impact on the electoral contestation. This study found that the process of strengthening factionalism in the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul in the face of degenerative factionalism occurred since the change in the system became increasingly centralized. Changes in the system led to the emergence of factions that carried out vote suppression against candidates from the PDIP because they felt that their aspirations had been blocked by the party organizational system. The raise of the Barisan Banteng Ketaton eroded PDIP's ammunition before the fight and cut off political communication with other parties so PDIP was isolated among the parties. On the other hand, there was distrust within the winner team which hampered campaign performance. All these incidents were the result of factionalism the Head Regional of PDIP Gunungkidul in the end made the PDIP vote never maximal in the Head Elections of Gunungkidul 2015 and 2020.

Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: Pilkada Gunungkidul, DPC PDIP Gunungkidul, Faksionalisme, Endah Subekti, Barisan Banteng Ketaton.

  1. S1-2022-428284-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-428284-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-428284-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-428284-title.pdf