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Komposisi Gizi dan Preferensi Konsumen Burger Tuna Serpihan dengan Penambahan Tepung Ampas Tahu

YANUNIA PUSPITA H, Dr. Ir. Latif Sahubawa, M.Si.


Industri pengolahan steak tuna menyisakan hasil samping berupa daging serpihan. Daging serpihan yang dihasilkan sebesar ± 10-12% yang memiliki potensi sebagai bahan baku pangan komersial. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung ampas tahu terhadap gizi, preferensi konsumen, dan kemunduran mutu terhadap burger tuna serpihan. Penambahan tepung ampas tahu berpengaruh terhadap gizi burger tuna serpihan dengan komposisi kadar air 46,37-49,89%, lemak 7,32-9,12%, abu 1,91-2,26%, protein kasar 10,40-11,30%, serat pangan total 2,30-3,08%, dan karbohidrat 26,24-28,83%. Perlakuan b1 dengan formula tepung maizena 12,5 gr dan tepung ampas tahu 2,5 gr merupakan perlakuan yang paling disukai konsumen dengan nilai atribut warna 3,72, aroma 3,61, rasa 3,70, dan tekstur 3,72. Kemunduran mutu burger tuna serpihan dengan penambahan tepung ampas tahu pada perlakuan b1 hingga hari ke 16 yang disimpan pada suhu dingin (4°C) masih layak konsumsi.

The tuna steak processing industry leaves a by-product in the form of flakes meat. The flake meat produced is ± 10-12% which has potential as a commercial food raw material. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of adding tofu dregs flour on nutrition, consumer preferences, and quality deterioration of the flaky tuna burger. The addition of tofu dregs flour has an effect on the nutrition of the tuna flake burger with the composition of water content 46,37-49,89%, fat 7,32-9,12%, ash 1,91-2,26%, crude protein 10,40-11,30%, total dietary fiber 2,30-3,08%, and carbohydrates 26,24-28,83%. Treatment b1 with the formula cornstarch 12,5 gr and tofu dregs flour 2,5 gr is the most preferred treatment by consumers with the attribute value of color 3,72, aroma 3,61, taste 3,70, and texture 3,72. The deterioration of the quality of the flaked tuna burger with the addition of tofu dregs flour in treatment b1 until day 16 which was stored at a cold temperature (4°C) was still suitabl for consumption.

Kata Kunci : burger, kemunduran mutu, preferensi konsumen, tepung ampas tahu, tuna serpihan

  1. S1-2022-430561-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-430561-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-430561-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-430561-title.pdf