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FEBYTANIA BIDADARI Y, Singgih Wijayana, S.E., M.Si., Ph.D.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 AKUNTANSI

Pada 1 Januari 2020, PSAK 71 diberlakukan secara efektif di Indonesia dengan penerapan lebih awal diperbolehkan. PSAK 71 mengubah metode pencadangan yang sebelumnya incurred credit loss (ICL), mengacu pada PSAK 55, menjadi expected credit loss (ECL). Penerapan ECL berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pembentukan CKPN kredit dan aktiva produktif bank lainnya, terlebih pada saat pandemi COVID-19 melanda. Peningkatan CKPN ini dipicu oleh peningkatan risiko kredit akibat penurunan aktivitas perekonomian selama pandemi sehingga debitur bank mengajukan restrukturisasi kredit. Akibatnya, laba perbankan menjadi tertekan, tecermin dari penurunan Net Interest Margin dan Return on Asset perbankan sepanjang 2020-2021 saat puncak penyebaran COVID-19. Hal ini menjadi ancaman bagi keberlanjutan industri perbankan yang pada gilirannya mengganggu stabilitas sektor keuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku perbankan dalam pembentukan CKPN kredit menggunakan PSAK 71 selama pandemi COVID-19 periode 2020-2021. Data penelitian menggunakan data CKPN kredit seluruh bank yang beroperasi di Indonesia (107 bank) dengan periode waktu 66 bulan pengamatan, yaitu sejak Januari 2015 hingga Juni 2020. Sumber data sekunder didapatkan dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Pemodelan sederhana dibuat menggunakan Ordinary Least Sguare (OLS) dan metode regresi berganda seri waktu (time series). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CKPN kredit perbankan selama 2020-2021 memiliki tren yang terus meningkat. Rata-rata CKPN kredit bank selama masa pandemi pun lebih besar dari rata-rata CKPN kredit sebelum pandemi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perbankan telah menyiapkan bantalan yang cukup untuk menghadapi potensi peningkatan risiko kredit akibat pandemi COVID-19.

On January 1, 2020, PSAK 71 was effectively applied in Indonesia with early adoption permitted. PSAK 71 changed the provisioning method from incurred credit loss (ICL), in compliance with PSAK 55, to expected credit loss (ECL). The application of ECL takes effect on increasing bank's loan loss provisioning (LLP) and other productive assets, especially when COVID-19 pandemic surges. This increase on LLP is triggered by the increase of credit risk due to the decline in economic activity during the pandemic, which resulted in credit restructuring by bank's debtors. As a result, bank's profits are depressed, reflected in the decline in Net Interest Margin and Return on Asset throughout 2020-2021 at the peak of the pandemic. This poses a threat to the sustainability of the banking industry which in turn disrupts the stability of the financial sector. This research aims to analyse the provisioning of bank credits in accordance to PSAK 71 during the COVID-19 pandemic for the 2020-2021 period. This research uses bank credit provisioning data for all banks operating in Indonesia (107 banks) with 66 months of observation, from January 2015 to June 2020. Secondary data is obtained from Financial Services Authority. Simple modelling is made using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and time series multiple regression method. The results show the increasing trend of the provisioning for bank credits during 2020-2021. The average amount of credit provisioning during the pandemic is also shown to be greater than the average amount of credit provisioning before the pandemic. This indicates that banks have prepared a sufficient fund to face potential increase in credit risk due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Kata Kunci : PSAK 71, IFRS 9, CKPN kredit, expected credit loss, COVID-19

  1. S1-2022-423394-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-423394-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-423394-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-423394-title.pdf