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Uji Deskripsi dan Uji Hedonik pada Nugget Tempe Kedelai Substitusi Ikan Teri Jengki (Stolephorus insularis) sebagai Alternatif Pangan Lokal Sumber Protein dan Kalsium

YASMIN AULIA RAHMAH, Yeni Prawiningdyah, SKM, M.Kes; Fasty Arum Utami, S.Gz., M.Sc

2022 | Skripsi | S1 GIZI KESEHATAN

Latar Belakang: Pengembangan produk olahan tempe kedelai dan ikan teri jengki menjadi produk nugget sebagai alternatif produk pangan lokal sumber protein dan kalsium, menjadi salah satu inovasi yang dapat dilakukan sebagai upaya pemanfaatan pangan lokal untuk meningkatkan nilai gizi dari suatu produk pangan. Tempe kedelai dan ikan teri jengki merupakan komoditas pangan lokal yang dikenal bernilai gizi protein dan kalsium tinggi, sehingga berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam pengembangan produk pangan. Tujuan: Mengetahui daya terima dan karakteristik sensoris nugget tempe kedelai yang disubstitusi ikan teri jengki sebagai alternatif produk pangan lokal sumber protein dan kalsium. Metode Penelitian: Terdapat empat formulasi nugget dengan persentase substitusi 0% (kontrol), 10%, 20%, dan 30%. Daya terima diukur dengan uji kesukaan/hedonik oleh 30 panelis tidak terlatih, sedangkan karakteristik sensoris diteliti dengan uji deskripsi oleh 10 panelis terlatih. Parameter sensoris yang diamati yaitu warna, aroma, tekstur, dan rasa produk. Hasil: Nugget formula A (0%) memiliki warna kuning cerah keemasan, aroma gurih dan harum khas tempe, rasa kurang gurih dan dominan rasa tempe, serta tekstur yang lembut, kurang padat, dan mudah dikunyah. Sedangkan secara keseluruhan, nugget yang disubstitusi ikan teri jengki (10%, 20%, dan 30%) berwarna kuning gelap hingga kuning keabu-abuan gelap, beraroma langu dan amis khas ikan yang menonjol, rasa khas ikan teri dan terdapat sisa rasa pahit, serta tekstur padat, kering, dan keras apabila dibandingkan dengan nugget kontrol. Kesimpulan: Nugget formula B (10%) merupakan nugget dengan karakteristik mutu terbaik, sedangkan nugget formula B (10%) dan C (20%) menjadi nugget yang paling disukai di antara nugget kelompok perlakuan.

Background: The development of soybean tempeh and jengki anchovy into nuggets as an alternative local food product as a source of protein and calcium, becoming one of the innovations that can be done as an attempt to use local food to increase the nutritional value of a food product. Both soybean tempeh and jengki anchovy are some of the local food commodities which are known to have such high nutritional value of protein and calcium, so they have potencies to be used in food product development. Objective: This study aims to find out the acceptability and sensory characteristics of soybean tempeh nugget substituted by jengki anchovy as an alternative local food source of protein and calcium. Methods: There were four nuggets formulations with substitution percentages of 0% (control group), 10%, 20%, and 30%. Acceptability are measured with the hedonic test by 30 untrained panelists, while sensory characteristics are observed with the descriptive test by 10 expert panelists. The sensory attributes that are observed are color, aroma, texture, and taste. Results: Nugget with formula A (control group) has a bright golden yellow color; a savory and tempeh aroma; a less savory taste and a dominant tempeh taste; also the texture were less dense and easy to chew. Meanwhile, the nuggets that are substituted with jengki anchovy (10%, 20%, and 30%) have a dark yellow to dark grayish-yellow color; have a distinctly unpleasant and fishy aroma that stands out; have a distinctive taste of anchovy and have a bitter aftertaste; the texture were dense, dry, and hard, compared to the control group (0%). Conclusion: Nugget substituted with 10% jengki anchovy was the nugget with the best sensory characteristics, while nugget substituted with 10% and 20% jengki anchovy were the most preferred nuggets among the treatment group.

Kata Kunci : nugget, tempe kedelai, ikan teri jengki, daya terima, karakteristik sensoris, panelis, uji deskripsi, uji hedonik

  1. S1-2022-427088-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-427088-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-427088-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-427088-title.pdf