Laporkan Masalah


MAHMASONI MASDAR, Ariani Arista Putri P, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., DNP.;Widyawati, S.Kp., M.Kes., Ph.D.


Latar Belakang: Penyakit coronavirus ditetapkan menjadi pandemi global oleh World Health Organization (WHO). Menurut gejalanya, pasien yang terkonfirmasi Covid-19 dengan tanpa gejala (OTG) dan gejala ringan direkomendasikan untuk melakukan isolasi mandiri. Proses monitoring yang dilakukan tenaga kesehatan terhadap pasien isolasi mandiri saat ini menghadapi banyak kendala. Mobile Health Application dapat dikembangkan sebagai media untuk memonitor kondisi pasien yang menjalani isolasi mandiri. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengembangkan media aplikasi berbasis mobile yang digunakan untuk memonitor pasien Covid-19 yang menjalani isolasi mandiri berupa mobile app monitoring covid-19. Metode : Peneliti mengembangkan mobile app COVIDIARY untuk memonitor pasien Covid-19 yang sedang menjalankan isolasi mandiri menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). Partisipan pada penelitian ini terbagi menjadi 3, partisipan Forum Group Discussion (FGD) 16 orang, 21 pasien terkonfirmasi covid-19, dan 22 tenaga kesehatan di shelter isolasi mandiri di Yogyakarta. Uji usability menggunakan retrospective think aloud, system usability scale (SUS). Penilaian efektifitas dan efisiensi menggunakan ISO 25022. Hasil : Hasil retrospective think aloud dari COVIDIARY website terdapat 264 komentar dengan 81 % komentar positif, sedangkan pada COVIDIARY mobile app terdapat 189 komentar dengan 89% komentar positif. Hasil pengukuran effectiveness pada COVIDIARY website menunjukkan nilai akhir 0.93, sedangkan COVIDIARY mobile app 0.86. Hasil pengukuran efficiency pada COVIDIARY website menunjukkan nilai akhir 0.95, sedangkan COVIDIARY mobile app 0.93. Nilai dari pengukuran SUS pada COVIDIARY website sebesar 81.02, sedangkan pada COVIDIARY mobile app adalah 79.6. Kesimpulan :Aplikasi COVIDIARY berhasil dikembangkan sebagai media aplikasi berbasis mobile yang dapat digunakan untuk memonitor pasien Covid-19 yang sedang menjalani isolasi mandiri, berupa mobile app monitoring Covid-19.

Background: Coronavirus disease has been declared as global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Based on the symptoms, patients confirmed Covid-19 with asymptomatic (OTG) and with mild symptoms are recommended to do self-isolation. Currently, the monitoring process conducted on them by health workers faces many obstacles. A Mobile Health Application can be developed as monitoring media for the condition of patients undergoing self-isolation. Objective: To develop a mobile-based media application in the form of Covid-19 monitoring mobile application used to monitor patients with confirmed Covid-19 undergoing self-isolation. Methods: Researchers developed the COVIDIARY mobile application using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method to monitor Covid-19 patients undergoing self-isolation. The participants of this research were divided into three that were 16 people as the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) participants, 21 patients with confirmed Covid-19, and 22 health workers at self-isolation shelters in Yogyakarta. The usability testing was conducted using retrospective think aloud, system usability scale (SUS). The effectiveness and efficiency evaluation was performed using ISO 25022. Results: The results of retrospective think aloud method of the COVIDIARY website are 81% positive comments out of 264 comments, whereas, on the COVIDIARY mobile application, 89% positive comments are found out of 189 comments. The results of effectiveness assessment on the COVIDIARY website show 0.93 as the final score, while the final score of the COVIDIARY mobile application is 0.86. Then, the results of efficiency evaluation on the COVIDIARY website show 0.95 as the final score, while the final score of the COVIDIARY mobile application is 0.93. The score of SUS evaluation on the COVIDARY website is 81.02, while on the COVIDIARY mobile application the score is 79.6. Conclusions: The COVIDIARY application is successfully developed as a mobile-based media application that can be used to monitor Covid-19 patients who are under self-isolation, in the form of Covid-19 monitoring mobile application.

Kata Kunci : Pasien Isolasi Mandiri, monitoring kesehatan, mobile aplikasi, COVIDIARY

  1. S2-2022-448580-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-448580-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-448580-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-448580-title.pdf