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Kerentanan Sains: Kontestasi Wacana Sains dan Nonsains pada Era Infodemi di Indonesia



Setelah munculnya web 2.0 dan inovasinya, seperti blog atau media sosial, semua orang bisa berkata apa saja di internet, termasuk klaim fakta ilmiah; demikian, kerentanan wacana sains mulai muncul. Di sisi lain, di era pandemi, wacana sains juga menghadapi tantangan dari infodemik, suatu kondisi di mana informasi dapat menyebar dengan cepat dan berbahaya, seperti virus. Dari kondisi ini muncul pertanyaan: apakah wacana sains rentan dan genting dalam kondisi infodemik? Jika demikian, bagaimana otoritas sains bereaksi terhadap kondisi ini? Dengan menggunakan Actor-Network Theory dari Bruno Latour, tulisan ini mengkaji bagaimana wacana sains, nonsains, pseudosains, parasains, dan setiap aktor lainnya diperebutkan dalam infodemik, khususnya di Indonesia. Terakhir, tulisan ini melihat bagaimana otoritas sains di Indonesia, sebagai aktor, menanggapi infodemik sebagai kondisi kerentanan wacana ilmiah di Indonesia.

After the advent of web 2.0 and its innovation, such as blogs or social media, everyone could say whatever they want on the internet, including the claim of scientific facts; thus, the vulnerabilities of science discourse began to emerge. On the other hand, in the pandemic era, science discourse also faces challenges from infodemics, a condition where information could spread rapidly and harmfully, just like a virus. From this condition, questions arise: is science discourse vulnerable and precarious in the state of infodemics? If so, how science authorities reacted to this condition? Using Actor-Network Theory from Bruno Latour, this paper examines how science discourse, nonscience discourse, pseudoscience discourse, parascience discourse and every other actant were contested in infodemics, especially in Indonesia. Finally, this paper looks at how science authorities in Indonesia, as an actant, respond to the infodemics as the condition of the vulnerability of scientific discourse in Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : infodemik, wacana sains, otoritas sains, kerentanan sains, actor-network theory, nonsains, pseudosains, parasains

  1. S2-2022-450010-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-450010-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-450010-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-450010-title.pdf