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Penentuan Safety Critical Element untuk Menjaga Efektivitas Pengendalian Resiko

EKA RACHMADI E P, Ir. Andi Rahadiyan Wijaya, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM


Industri minyak dan gas (migas) merupakan industri dengan tingkat resiko yang cukup besar. Pengolahan minyak bumi melalui proses destilasi bertingkat yang secara garis besar membagi hidrokarbon menjadi dua bentuk utama yaitu liquid dan gas. Minyak bumi dan produk turunannya merupakan bahan yang memiliki sifat mudah terbakar dan beracun. Pengendalian resiko yang dilakukan oleh industri migas adalah dengan menerapkan perlindungan berlapis, yang berkontribusi pada rendahnya probabilitas terjadinya major accident. Perlindungan berlapis yang diterapkan di industri migas merupakan susunan barrier (barrier system) yang setiap barrier memiliki peran yang berbeda-beda namun tujuan utamanya sama yaitu mencegah dan mengurangi dampak terjadinya major accident. Major accident dapat terjadi apabila barrier system mengalami multiple failure. Barrier system memerlukan maintenance tinggi untuk mencegah terjadinya multiple failure. Safety critical element (SCE) dipilih sebagai langkah maintenance pada barrier system. SCE merupakan bagian dari barrier system. Tidak semua barrier merupakan SCE. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengembangkan skema identifikasi SCE. Skema identifikasi SCE menggunakan dua metode yaitu ciritcality assessment pada barrier (CA 1) dan penilaian barrier berdasarkan definisi SCE oleh UK HSE Regulations for Offshore Petroleum Platforms (CA 2). (CA 1) adalah penilaian terhadap aspek functionality barrier (Fn), severity level of barriers failure (Cq), dan redundancy barrier (Rn). Barrier yang dinyatakan critical pada CA 1 selanjutnya dilakukan identifikasi terhadap tipe barrier. Barrier yang dinyatakan tidak critical pada CA 1 kemudian masuk ke CA 2. CA 2 adalah penilaian barrier tentang: apakah kegagalan pada barrier secara substansial dapat menyebabkan major accident dan peran barrier dalam barrier system apakah sebagai preventive barrier atau mitigative barrier. Apabila barrier dinyatakan kritis pada CA 2, selanjutnya barrier masuk ke tahap identifikasi tipe barrier. Barrier yang dinyatakan tidak critical pada tahap CA 1 dan CA 2, maka barrier tersbut tidak termasuk SCE. Setiap barrier yang pada tahap CA 1 dan CA 2 masuk ke tahap identifikasi tipe barrier, apabila barrier tersebut bertipe technical (plant/ equipment/ element), maka barrier tersebut termasuk SCE. Barrier yang bukan merupakan tipe technical, bukan termasuk SCE. Hasil dari CA 1 dan CA 2 diketahuai bahwa terdapat 35 barrier yang termasuk ke dalam SCE. Penilaian CA 2 dilakukan karena pada tahap CA 1 terdapat barrier yg dinyatakan critical namun tidak sesuai dengan definisi SCE dan barrier yang tidak critical namun memenuhi kriteria SCE. Sehingga penggunaan dua metode dalam identifikasi SCE dapat memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal.

The oil and gas industry is an industry with a fairly large level of risk. Petroleum processing is carried out through a multilevel distillation process which broadly divides hydrocarbons into two main forms, namely liquid and gas. Petroleum and its derivatives are flammable and toxic materials. Risk control carried out by the oil and gas industry is by applying layered protection, which contributes to the low probability of a major accident occurring. The layered protection applied in the oil and gas industry is a barrier system in which each barrier has a different role but the main goal is the same, namely preventing and reducing the impact of a major accident. Major accidents can occur when the barrier system experiences multiple failures. Barrier systems require high maintenance to prevent multiple failures. Safety critical element (SCE) was chosen as a maintenance step on the barrier system. SCE is part of the barrier system. Not all barriers are SCE. This research was conducted with the aim of developing an SCE identification scheme. The SCE identification scheme uses two methods, namely the characteristic assessment of the barrier (CA 1) and the assessment of the barrier based on the definition of SCE by the UK HSE Regulations for Offshore Petroleum Platforms (CA 2). (CA 1) is an assessment of aspects of functionality barrier (Fn), severity level of barriers failure (Cq), and redundancy barrier (Rn). Barriers that are declared critical in CA 1 are then identified with the type of barrier. Barriers that are declared non-critical in CA 1 then enter CA 2. CA 2 is a barrier assessment on: whether failure of the barrier can substantially cause a major accident and the role of the barrier in the barrier system whether as a preventive barrier or mitigative barrier. If the barrier is declared critical in CA 2, then the barrier enters the barrier type identification stage. Barriers that are declared not critical at the CA 1 and CA 2 stages, then the barrier does not include SCE. Every barrier that is at the CA 1 and CA 2 stages enters the barrier type identification stage, if the barrier is of a technical type (plant/equipment/element), then the barrier is included in SCE. Barriers that are not technical types are not included in SCE. The results of CA 1 and CA 2 showed that there were 35 barriers included in the SCE. The CA 2 assessment was carried out because at the CA 1 stage there was a barrier that was declared critical but not in accordance with the definition of SCE and a barrier that was not critical but met the SCE criteria. So that the use of two methods in the identification of SCE can give more optimal results.

Kata Kunci : Major Accident, Barrier System, Multiple Failure, Criticality Assessment, Safety Critical Element.

  1. S2-2021-434769-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-434769-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-434769-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-434769-title.pdf