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Peran Perceived Organizational Support dan Perceived Family Support terhadap Work-Life Balance Karyawan yang Bekerja dari Rumah

HANAN ALVIANA, Issac Jogues Kiyok Sito Meiyanto


Wabah COVID-19 membawa perubahan besar pada seluruh aspek kehidupan, salah satunya pada sistem kerja karyawan. Banyak karyawan yang mendapat perubahan sistem kerjanya menjadi bekerja dari rumah atau work from home (WFH). Karena sistem WFH, karyawan akan merasakan tuntutan kepentingan pribadinya di samping tuntutan peran dari pekerjaan, lebih besar daripada sebelumnya. Bertambahnya peran tersebut tentunya dapat berperan terhadap work-life balance (WLB) karyawan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran perceived organizational support (POS) dan dimensi emotional sustenance (ES) serta instrumental assistance (IA) dari perceived family support (PFS) terhadap WLB pada karyawan yang WFH. Subjek penelitian ini adalah karyawan yang bekerja full-time di sebuah organisasi, sedang menjalani WFH, dan telah bekerja di organisasi tersebut sejak sebelum diterapkannya WFH. Metode analisis regresi linier berganda telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui peranan variabel prediktor yaitu POS dan PFS terhadap variabel kriteria berupa WLB. Data sudah dikumpulkan menggunakan survei yang disebarkan secara online. Hasil penelitian pada 201 karyawan menunjukkan bahwa variabel POS serta variabel PFS dimensi ES dan IA bersama-sama berperan terhadap WLB karyawan yang WFH. Sementara itu ketika dianalisis peranannya secara terpisah, hanya variabel PFS dimensi IA yang tidak berperan signifikan terhadap WLB. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa persepsi adanya dukungan dari organisasi (POS) dan keluarga (PFS), terutama dukungan emosional (PFS-ES) berperan terhadap WLB karyawan yang WFH.

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought big changes to all aspects of life, one of them is the employee work system. Since large-scale social restrictions were implemented in Indonesia, many employees have changed their work system into work from home (WFH). Due to the WFH system, employees will feel the demands of their personal interests in addition to the demands of their job roles, bigger than before. This additional role can certainly affect the work-life balance (WLB) of employees. These employees need support from the organization and their families in order to achieve a WLB balance. In other words, if the perceived organizational support (POS) and perceived family support (PFS) for employees are good, then the employee WLB will be achieved. Therefore, this study aims to determine the role of POS and the dimensions of emotional sustenance and instrumental assistance from PFS to WLB among WFH employees. Data collection in this study was carried out by survey method through online scale distribution. The subjects of this study were employees who work full-time in a company, are undergoing WFH, and have worked at the company since before the implementation of WFH. Multiple-linear-regression analysis method has been carried out to determine the role of the predictor variables, namely POS and PFS, on the criterion variable in the form of WLB. Data has been collected using surveys distributed online. The results of the study on 201 employees showed that the POS variables and the dimensions ES and IA of PFS variables together contributed to the WLB of WFH employees. Meanwhile, when analyzed separately, there was only the dimension IA of the PFS variable that did not play a significant role on WLB. This study found that the WLB of WFH employees was influenced by the support from the organization (POS) and family (PFS), especially emotional support (PFS-ES).

Kata Kunci : Perceived Family Support, Perceived Organizational Support, Work from Home, Work-Life Balance.

  1. S2-2022-448965-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-448965-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-448965-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-448965-title.pdf