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Peran Work life balance dan Perceived organizational support Terhadap Burnout Pada Wanita Yang Bekerja



Masa darurat Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) menimbulkan terjadinya perubahan pada tatanan bisnis perusahaan. Untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid- 19 maka diterapkan work from home. Hal tersebut menimbulkan terjadinya burnout pada Wanita yang bekerja, telah menikah, dan memiliki anak karena harus menjalankan dua peran (pekerjaan dan keluarga) di satu tempat dan kesempatan yang sama. Dalam rangka menurunkan burnout tersebut, dilakukan formulasi factor-faktor yakni work life balance sebagai faktor internal dan perceived organizational support sebagai faktor ekternal. Penelitian ini ingin mengungkap tentang kondisi burnout Wanita yang bekerja bila ditinjau dari peranan work life balance dan perceived organizational support. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan survey kepada 237 karyawan Wanita yang bekerja, memiliki anak, dan sedang work from home. Hipotesis diuji dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya prediksi apabila work life balance dan perceived organizational support secara bersama-sama dapat menurunkan burnout sebesar 7,2% (p < 0,05). Work life balance dan Perceived organizational support yang tinggi mampu membantu Wanita bekerja dalammengatur prioritasnya antara kebutuhan pekerjaan maupun untuk keluarga agar dapat mengurangi ketegangan yang dialami akibat diterapkannya work from home.

The Emergency of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) caused changes in the company's business order. To prevent the spread of Covid-19, it is applied by Work From Home. This raises burnout in working woman, have been married, and have children because they have to run two roles (work and family) in one place and the same time. In order to reduce the burnout, an internal and external factor formulation was carried out by Work life balance as an internal factor and perceived organizational support as an external factor. This study about to reveal the condition of the working woman's burnout that viewed from the role of work life balance and Perceived organizational support. Data collection methods used a survey to 237 working woman, have children, and are working from home. Hypotheses are tested used Multiple linear regression. The results showed that predictive power if work life balance and Perceived organizational support has the same time against burnout of 7,2% (p <0.05). High work life balance and Perceived organizational support is able to help women work in regulating their priorities between work needs and for families in order to reduce the tensions experienced by the implementation of work from home.

Kata Kunci : work life balance, perceived organizational support, burnout, working woman, covid-19, work from home

  1. S2-2021-434067-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-434067-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-434067-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-434067-title.pdf