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JOKO SUPRAPTO, Jamasri;M.Noer Ilman


INTISARI Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dua jenis kegagalan pipa pada Boiler 31-F-27 di PT. Badak LNG yang mengakibatkan dihentikannya pengoperasian boiler. Kegagalan berupa: (1) Pecahnya nose tube yang mengalami bulging dan (2) Pada downcomer tube ditemukan retakan pada sambungan las pada area pad yang terkoneksi dengan struktur Boiler 31-F-27. Kedua tube yang mengalami kegagalan ini tergolong pada jenis wall tube dengan material SA-210 Grade-A. Walltube ini berfungsi sebagai tube-tube yang menghubungkan mud drum dengan steam drum dan berfungsi sebagai tempat mengalirnya uap (steam) yang terbentuk mengalir menuju steam drum. Untuk mengetahui penyebab dan mekanisme kegagalan serta mencegah hal yang serupa terjadi lagi, analisis kegagalan pada wall tube ini perlu dilakukan. Uji makroskopik, uji komposisi kimia, uji XRF, uji mikroskop optik, uji SEM, dan uji kekerasan dilakukan untuk mendukung hasil analisis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kegagalan nose tube disebabkan oleh mekanisme kegagalan long term overheating dimana pada bagian dalam nose tube ditemukan deposit, dimana dengan pengujian SEM-EDX teridentifikasi deposit didominasi oleh Cu = 52,52% massa dan Fe = 26,42 % massa. Pada sisi lain, kegagalan sambungan las pada downcomer tube berdasarkan hasil pengamatan SEM-EDX disebabkan oleh creep. Hal ini terlihat dari patahan material secara intergranular akibat pergeseran (sliding) antar batas butir yang terjadi pada daerah HAZ yang disebabkan oleh temperatur dan tekanan tinggi yang bekerja pada internal downcomer tube.

ABSTRACT In the present work, two types of failures of boiler’s tubes in Boiler 31-F-27 in PT. Badak which led to the boiler to be shut down have been reported recently. First, failure appeared to be in the form of rupture of the nose tube which experienced bulging. Secondly, the Downcomer tube found cracks in the weld joint which connected the pad area to the structure. The two tubes that experienced failure were classified as walltube types with SA-210 Grade-A material, these Walltubes functioned as tubes that connected the mud drum with the steam drum and served as a place for the steam formed to flow to the steam drum. To find out the causes and mechanisms of failure and prevent the same thing from happening again, a failure analysis on the riser wall tube needs to be done. Macroscopic tests, chemical composition tests, XRF tests, optical microscope tests, SEM tests, and hardness tests were carried out to support the analysis results. The results of the analysis show failure of the nose tube was caused by a long term overheating failure mechanism where deposits were found on the inside of the nose tube, where the SEM-EDX test revealed that the deposits were dominated by Cu = 52.52% mass and Fe = 26.42%. Downcomer tube failure that was revealed using SEM-EDX was caused by intergranular fracture of the material this was due to sliding between grain boundaries that occurred in the HAZ region caused by high temperature and high pressure acting on the internal downcomer tube.

Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : Deposit,Nose Tube, Downcomer Tube, Creep,Temperatur Tinggi, Tekanan Tinggi./Keywords: Deposit,Nose Tube, Downcomer Tube, Creep,Elevated temperatur, Elevated Pressure.

  1. S2-2022-437599-ABSTRACT.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-437599-BIBLIOGRAPHY.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-437599-TABLEOFCONTENT.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-437599-TITLE.pdf