Laporkan Masalah


ABDILLAH MUHAMMAD M, Prof. Drs. M. Mukhtasar Syamsuddin, M.Hum., Ph.D of Arts


Masalah utama krisis ekologi adalah pemikiran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi kritik filsafat Timur terhadap deep ecology (ekologi mendalam) dan social ecology. Penelitian pustaka ini memakai metode verstehen, holistik, komparasi, heuristika, deskripsi, dan refleksi. Kritik filsafat Timur atas deep ecology adalah: kesetaraan atau egaliterianisme tidak dapat diterima berdasarkan empat taraf pengkosmos; konsep nilai intrinsik ala deep ecology berlawanan dengan landasan aksiologi mistisisme Ibnu Atha'illah; deep ecology kehilangan relevansi pada tataran praktik. Kritik filsafat Timur atas social ecology adalah: tuduhan social ecology terhadap filsafat Timur tidak dapat diterima karena mistisisme penuh dengan semangat aktif; social ecology mengesampingkan realitas ultim dalam pemahaman kosmologi; munisipalisme libertarian sulit diterapkan. Di Indonesia, deep ecology dan social ecology mendapati bentuk sintesis.

The main problem of the ecological crisis is thinking. This study aims to investigate the criticisms of Eastern philosophy on deep ecology and social ecology. This literature research uses verstehen, holistic, comparative, heuristic, description, and reflection methods. Eastern philosophy's criticisms of deep ecology are: equality or egalitarianism cannot be accepted based on the four levels of the cosmos; the concept of intrinsic value in the style of deep ecology is contrary to the axiological basis of Ibn Atha'illah's mysticism; deep ecology loses relevance at the level of practice. The criticisms of Eastern philosophy on social ecology are: accusations of social ecology against Eastern philosophy cannot be accepted because there is a spirit of liberation in mysticism; social ecology overrides ultimate reality in understanding cosmology; ecological society is utopian. In Indonesia, deep ecology and social ecology find a form of synthesis.

Kata Kunci : kritik, deep ecology, social ecology, filsafat Timur, Indonesia.

  1. S2-2022-465534-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-465534-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-465534-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-465534-title.pdf