Laporkan Masalah


AULIA AYU NUGRAHENI, Dr. Heny Suseani Pangastuti, S.Kp., M.Kes.; Dr. Fitri Haryanti, S.Kp., M.Kes.


Latar Belakang: Kecemasan mempunyai prevalensi tinggi pada pengidap penyakit kronis selama pandemi Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) berkaitan dengan risiko keparahan dan komplikasi serius. Kecemasan berdampak pada tekanan psikologis, perkembangan penyakit, bahkan menjadi faktor risiko kematian. Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan pada pengidap penyakit kronis selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode: Scoping review menggunakan database PubMed, ScienceDirect, Ebsco, dan SAGE Journal. Kriteria inklusi: Bahasa Inggris, diterbitkan tahun 2020-2021, studi primer dan literatur review, populasi literatur pengidap penyakit kronis, variabel yang diteliti kecemasan selama pandemi Covid-19, metode jelas dijabarkan, tersedia teks lengkap. Kriteria eksklusi: literatur opini, disertasi, makalah diskusi, atau presentasi konferensi. Critical appraisal menggunakan Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Hasil: Didapatkan 5 artikel dalam penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan di Eropa, Afrika, dan Asia. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan, yaitu: multimorbiditas, berusia 31 sampai 40 tahun, berusia muda saat onset penyakit, perempuan, merokok, takut terhadap Covid-19, mengonsumsi imunosupresan, mengonsumsi antibiotik, dukungan sosial yang buruk, berperan sebagai ibu rumah tangga, status sosial ekonomi menengah dan rendah, tidur < 7 jam, kurang latihan fisik, dan berprofesi sebagai tenaga kesehatan. Kesimpulan: Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kecemasan pengidap penyakit kronis selama pandemi Covid-19, yaitu: multimorbiditas, berusia 31 sampai 40 tahun, berusia muda saat onset penyakit, perempuan, merokok, takut terhadap Covid-19, mengonsumsi imunosupresan, mengonsumsi antibiotik, dukungan sosial yang buruk, berperan sebagai ibu rumah tangga, status sosial ekonomi menengah dan rendah, tidur < 7 jam, kurang latihan fisik, dan berprofesi sebagai tenaga kesehatan.

Background: Anxiety has a high prevalence in people with chronic diseases during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic due to the risk of severity and serious complications. Anxiety has an impact on psychological distress, disease development, and even becomes a risk factor for death. Objective: Identify factors related to anxiety in people with chronic illnesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: Scoping review using PubMed, ScienceDirect, Ebsco, and SAGE Journal databases. Inclusion criteria: English language, published in 2020-2021, primary study and literature review, literature population is people with chronic disease, variable studied is anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic, research methods are clearly described, available in full-text. Exclusion criteria: literature that is an opinion, dissertation, discussion paper, or conference presentation. Critical appraisal using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Results: A total of 5 articles were included in this study. It was conducted in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Factors related to anxiety disorder were: multimorbidity, aged 31 to 40 years, young at disease onset, female, smoking, fear of Covid-19, immunosuppressive therapy, taking antibiotics, poor social support, as a housewives, middle and low socioeconomic status, sleep < 7 hours, lack of physical exercise, and work as a health worker. Conclusion: Factors related to anxiety of people with chronic diseases during the Covid-19 pandemic, were: multimorbidity, aged 31 to 40 years, young at disease onset, female, smoking, fear of Covid-19, immunosuppressive therapy, taking antibiotics, poor social support, as a housewives, middle and low socioeconomic status, sleep < 7 hours, lack of physical exercise, and work as a health worker.

Kata Kunci : Faktor-faktor kecemasan, pandemi Covid-19, penyakit kronis, scoping review