Laporkan Masalah


Rio Pradana, Ir. Rusman, MP., Ph.D; Prof. Dr. Ir. Zuprizal, DEA., IPU.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian fitobiotik ekstrak daun sirsak yang ditambahkan pada air minum karena untuk kelarutan dari fitobiotik lebih mudah dibanding cairan dicampur pada pakan. Pemberian fitobiotik ekstrak daun sirsak dilihat pada pengaruh terhadap berat karkas, persentase karkas, lemak abdominal, lemak fisceral, dan bobot relati usus halus pada ayam broiler. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kandang unggas Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. Ayam broiler yang digunakan sebanyak 200 ekor ayam dengan jenis kelamin jantan dan betina yang dipelihara pada kandang sistem terbuka dan dibagi secara acak ke dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan. Setiap perlakuan diulang 5 kali masing-masing terdiri dari 10 ayam di setiap kandang replikasi. Perlakuan terdiri dari P1; air minum tanpa aditif pakan (kontrol negatif), P2; air minum + antibiotik tetracycline (kontrol positif), P3; air minum + 1,5 % ekstrak daun sirsak, P4; air minum + 3,0 % ekstrak daun sirsak. Ransum basal yang diberikan disusun berbasis jagung-bungkil kedelai dengan kandungan ME 3159,24 kcal/kg, PK 21,04% dengan imbangan 150. Data yang diperoleh meliputi bobot karkas, bobot potong, persentase potong, dan bobot relatif usus halus yang dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola searah menggunakan aplikasi Statistical Package for the Social Science version 16. Hasil yang diperoleh dengan penambahan fitobiotik dari daun sirsak secara berturut-turut bobot potong 1668 g, 1680 g, 1682 g, 1695 g, bobot karkas 1141,80 g, 1185,20 g, 1202,20 g, 1215,20 g, persentase karkas 68,46%, 70,36%, 71,82%, 71,67% dan organ dalam yaitu duodenum 0,73%, 0,68%, 0,74%, 0,85%, jejunum 0,97%, 1,20%, 1,16%, ileum 0,97%, 1,27%, 1,26%, 1,18% setiap perlakuan sesuai dengan literatur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu bobot potong, bobot karkas, dan persentase karkas, bobot relatif usus halus adalah non significant karena kurangnnya konsentrasi dari fitobiotik ekstrak daun sirsak.

This study aims to determine the effect of giving soursop leaf extract phytobiotics added to drinking water because the solubility of phytobiotics is easier than liquid mixed with feed. The provision of phytobiotics with soursop leaf extract was seen on the effect on carcass weight, carcass percentage, abdominal fat, fisceral fat, and relative weight of the small intestine in broiler chickens. This research was conducted in the poultry house of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. The broiler chickens used were 200 chickens with male and female sex which were kept in open system cages and were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups. Each treatment was repeated 5 times each consisting of 10 chickens in each replication cage. The treatment consisted of P1; drinking water without feed additives (negative control), P2; drinking water + tetracycline antibiotics (positive control), P3; drinking water + 1.5% soursop leaf extract, P4; drinking water + 3.0 % soursop leaf extract. The basal ration given was prepared on the basis of corn-soybean meal with ME 3159.24 kcal/kg, PK 21.04% with a balance of 150. The data obtained included carcass weight, slaughter weight, percentage of cut, and relative weight of the small intestine which were analyzed using Completely randomized design with unidirectional pattern using the Statistical Package for the Social Science version 16 application. The results obtained with the addition of phytobiotics from soursop leaves successively cutting weight 1668 g, 1680 g, 1682 g, 1695 g, carcass weight 1141.80 g, 1185.20 g, 1202.20 g, 1215.20 g, carcass percentage 68.46%, 70.36%, 71.82%, 71.67% and internal organs namely duodenum 0.73%, 0.68%, 0.74%, 0.85%, jejunum 0.97%, 1.20%, 1.16%, ileum 0.97%, 1.27%, 1.26%, 1.18% each treatment was appropriate with literature. The conclusion of this study were slaughter weight, carcass weight, and carcass percentage, the relative weight of the small intestine was non-significant because of the low concentration of phytobiotics from soursop leaf extract.

Kata Kunci : Ayam broiler, Ekstrak daun sirsak, Kualitas karkas, Organ dalam.

  1. S1-2022-378436-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2022-378436-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2022-378436-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2022-378436-title.pdf