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THAIFAH MUTHOHHAROH, Suherman S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.; Dr. Suyanta M.Si.

2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER KIMIA

Analisis pengaruh tumpahan produk minyak bumi (premium dan solar) terhadap kualitas kesuburan tanah telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi tanah sekitar jalur pipa Pertamina mencakup sifat fisikokimia, kandungan logam, unsur hara N, P, K dan Total Petroleum Hidrokarbon (TPH), mengetahui pengaruh penambahan produk minyak premium 13% dan minyak solar 15% terhadap kesuburan tanah dan total petroleum hidrokarbon, dan mengkarakterisasi sampel tanah sebelum dan sesudah terkontaminasi produk minyak menggunakan FTIR dan SEM. Sampel tanah dibagi menjadi tiga titik sampel berdasarkan tempat pengambilannya, yaitu titik sampel I, II, dan III. Sifat fisikokimia sampel dianalisis meliputi kadar air, abu, pH, konduktivitas listrik, karbon organik total, kapasitas tukar kation (KTK), kadar logam, kadar N, P, K dan TPH. Analisis pengaruh kontaminasi produk minyak dilakukan dengan penambahan premium 13% dan solar 15% pada masing-masing titik sampel kemudian dianalisis kadar N, P, K dan TPH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar N dan K tertinggi pada titik sampel I yaitu sebesar 0,063% dan 53,74 mg/100g. Kadar P tertinggi pada titik sampel III sebesar 5,04 mg/100g. Konsentrasi TPH pada sampel I sebesar 0,096%, titik sampel II sebesar 0,042% dan pada titik sampel III sebesar 0,132%. Setelah penambahan premium 13% dan solar 15% kadar N dan P meningkat dan kadar K menurun pada masing-masing sampel. Titik sampel I, II, dan III setelah penambahan premium 13% konsentrasi TPH meningkat sebesar 0,04%, 0,08%, 0,01%. Pada penambahan solar 15% konsentrasi TPH pada titik sampel I, II, dan III meningkat masing-masing sebesar 0,89%, 1,2%, dan 0,91%

An analysis of potential impact of simulated oetroleum products spill (premium and diesel fuel) on the quality of soil fertility has been carried out. The aims of this research are to characterize the soil around the Pertamina pipeline including physicochemical properties, metal content, N, P, K content and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), to determine the effect of addition 13% premium oil products and 15% diesel oil to soil fertility and total petroleum hydrocarbons, and to characterize soil samples before and after addition oil products using FTIR and SEM. Soil samples were divided into three sample points based on place where they were taken, namely sample points I, II, and III. The physicochemical properties of the samples analyzed included water content, ash content, pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, metal content, N, P, K content and TPH. Analysis of the effect of contamination of oil products was carried out with the addition of 13% premium and 15% diesel fuel at each sample point and then analyzed for levels of N, P, K and total petroleum hydrocarbons. The results showed the highest levels of N and K at sample point I were 0.0633% and 53.74 mg/100g. The highest P content at sample point III was 5.04 mg/100g. The total concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in sample I was 0.096 %, sample point II is 0.042% and sample point III is 0.132%. After the addition of 13% premium and 15% diesel fuel the levels of N and P increased and K levels decreased in each sample. Sample points I, II, and III after the addition of 13% premium TPH concentration increased by 0.04%, 0.08%, 0.01%. With the addition of 15% diesel fuel, the concentration of TPH at sample points I, II, and III increased by 0.89%, 1.2%, and 0.91%.

Kata Kunci : kontaminasi tanah, produk minyak bumi, kesuburan tanah, total petroleum hidrokarbon/