Laporkan Masalah


BADRI, Dr. Aprinus Salam, M.Hum.

2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER SASTRA

Trilogi Divergent bercerita tentang sepasang kekasih dalam relasi-relasi kuasa antar kelompok masyarakat. Mereka berhadapan dengan tatanan sosial dalam rezim kuasa yang dibangun oleh Jeanine, Evelyn, dan David. Hal yang dimaksud tatanan sosial adalah kontruksi pembagian peran, fungsi, tempat, dan kewenangan. Tatanan sosial dalam relasi yang berbeda tersebut memantik mereka melakukan upaya atau tindakan politik agar terbangun tatanan sosial yang demokratis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengupas tatanan sosial dalam trilologi Divergent berdasarkan teori posmarxisme, dan (2) menguraikan bagaimana subjek mengelola peluang migrasi dalam tatanan sosial tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori posmarxisme, terutama filsafatat politik Jacques Ranciere dan Giorgio Agamben. Metode kualitatif deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tatanan sosial di kota Chicago terbagi dalam tiga kuasa tatanan. Pertama, masa pemeritahan Jeanine yang cenderung membagikan peran, tempat, dan kewenangan hanya kepada subjek (individu/kelompok) yang pakar di bidang-bidang yang telah ditentukan. Sedangkan, subjek yang tidak pakar tidak diberikan hal-hal tersebut dan dieksepsi hak-haknya. Kedua, masa pemerintahan Evelyn yang punya karakter melekatkan peran kelompoknya kepada kelompok lain, kewenangan dijauhkan dan hak-hak dieksepsi. Ketiga, masa pemerintahan David yang punya tabiat membagikan peran, tempat, dan kewenangan berdasarkan keturunan. Subjek keturunan gen murni diberi peran bagus, tempat tinggal layak, dan kewenangan luas. Sebaliknya, subjek keturunan gen rusak tidak diberikan hal-hal itu ditambah hak-haknya dieksepsi. Sepasang kekasih mendapatkan peluang-peluang migrasi di tiga periode kuasa tatanan tersebut. Di masa Jeanine, mereka mendapati peluang migrasi subjek, ideologi, dan tindakan. Di masa Evelyn, mereka memperoleh kesempatan bermigrasi subjek, ideologi, dan simbolik (budaya). Di masa David, mereka mendapatkan peluang bermigrasi subjek, ideologi, kelas (ekonomi), dan simbolik. Mereka mengelola (atau mewujudkan) peluang-peluang migrasi tersebut melalui tindakan politik. Tindakan politik yaitu tindakan menerobos tatanan sosial (atau konsensus demokrasi). Mereka menerobos hukum (konsensus) sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya yang ada di dalam tatanan sosial, sehingga mereka berhasil mewujudkan migrasi-migrasi tersebut.

The Divergent trilogy describes a lover couple in power relations between society groups. They are confronted by the police in a power regime built by Jeanine, Evelyn, and David. What is meant by the police is the construction of the division of roles, functions, places, and authorities. The police in these different relations trigger them to do political actions to build a social democracy. Based on the explanation above, the objectives of the research are as follows: (1) to examine the police in the Divergent trilogy based on the theory of post-marxism, and (2) to describe how the subject manages migration opportunities in the police. This research uses post-marxism theory, especially the political philosophy of Jacques Ranciere and Giorgio Agamben. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. The findings are the police in Chicago are divided into three powers of order. First, Jeanine's reign tends to distribute roles, places, and authorities only to subjects (individuals/groups) who are experts in their fields. Meanwhile, subjects who are not experts are not given these things and their rights are excluded. Second, Evelyn's reign, which attached the role of her group to another group, their authority was removed, and their rights were excluded. Third, David�s reign, who distributed roles, places, and authority based on descent. The origin descent was given good roles, decent housing, and broad authority. On the other hand, the subject of the defective gene offspring is not given these things and their rights are excluded. A lover gets migration opportunities in the three periods of power of the order. In Jeanine's reign, they found opportunities for the migration of subjects, ideologies, and actions. In Evelyn's reign, they had the opportunity to do migration subjects, ideologies, and symbols (culture). And, in David's reign, they had the opportunity to do migration subject, ideological, class (economic), and symbolic. They manage these migration opportunities through political action. Political action is the act of breaking through the police (or democratic consensus). They broke through the law of social, politics, economy, and culture that existed in the police so that they succeeded in realizing these migrations.

Kata Kunci : Trilogi Divergent, tananan sosial, migrasi, kehidupan telanjang, tindakan politik.