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Upaya Bertahan Dalam Perkawinan: Kasus Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga di Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur

SURYANI, Dr. Atik Triratnawati, M.A.


Sejak adanya pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia, beberapa daerah telah melaporkan bahwa kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) selama masa pandemi meningkat dari presentase biasanya. Hal ini terjadi akibat beberapa faktor salah satunya karena intensitas bertemu antara pelaku dan korban lebih tinggi selama masa pembatasan sosial karena mereka diharuskan berada di dalamrumah (stay at home). Di sisi lain, korban KDRT yang masih banyak diam di kalangan masyarakat menjadikan isu ini terus saja digali. Bukan hanya karena kenapa korban tidak mau speak up, akan tetapi alasan di balik diamnya korban juga hal yang perlu kita ketahui bersama. Selain itu, dampak kesehatan terhadap korban KDRT juga mengkhawatirkan jika korban tetap diam tanpa memeriksakan kondisi kesehatannya. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui sebab korban KDRT memilih diam dan ingin mempertahankan pernikahannya sedangkan kondisi kesehatan korban sendiri perlu mendapatkan perhatian. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama bulan April-Juni 2021 di Kabupaten Malang di mana kabupaten ini tercatat sebagai salah satu kabupaten yang mengalami kenaikan kasus KDRT selama COVID-19. Penelitian kualitatif berbasis studi kasus ini mengambil lima informan dengan latar belakang berbeda-beda mulai dari latar belakang pendidikan dari SD-SMA, pekerjaan, usia, dan lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan dan melakukan studi literatur dari berbagai sumber. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa korban KDRT di Kabupaten Malang awalnya memilih diam terkait kasus KDRT yang mereka alami karena mereka mencoba mempertahankan pernikahan mereka dengan harapan jika korban diam, pelaku akan berubah. Selain itu, korban juga memikirkan nama baik pelaku baik di mata keluarga korban maupun di mata orang-orang yang mengenal pelaku. Bagi mereka, rasa sakit yang mereka rasakan bukanlah apa-apa jika dibandingkan dengan aib yang akan mereka tanggung jika isu KDRT yang dialami menyebar ke banyak orang. Di sisi lain, korban juga memikirkan nasib anak-anak mereka jika orangtuanya berpisah, oleh karena itu mereka memilih bertahan meskipun pada akhirnya menyerah dan melaporkan kejadian kekerasan yang menimpanya ke Polres Malang. Selain itu, dampak yang terjadi pada korban KDRT adalah kondisi kesehatan mereka paska mengalami kekerasan di mana dari kelima korban mengalami dampak kesehatan fisik, psikis, dan reproduksi. Secara fisik mereka mengalami berbagai luka di bagian tubuh mereka, sedangkan secara psikis korban sering merasa ketakutan karena pelaku mengancam korban dan pada kesehatan reproduksi salah satu korban telah mengalami keguguran pada kandungannya yang berusia tujuh minggu.

Since the break of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, several regions reported that domestic violence during the pandemic has increased from the usual precentage. This happens due to several factors, one of which is that the intensity of meeting between the prepetrator and the victims is higher during the social distancing period because they are required to stay at home. On the other hand, victims of domestic violence who are still mostly silent make this issue continue to be explored. It is not only because of why the victims don;t want to speak up, but the reason behind the victim�s silence is also something we need to know. In addition, the health impact on victims of domestic violence is also worrying if the victim remains silent without checking his health condition. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of finding out why victims of domestic violence choose to remain silent and want to maintain their marriages, while the victim�s own helath condition needs attention. This research was conducted during April-June 2021 in Malang Regency where this region is listed as one of the areas that experienced an increase in domestic violence cases during COVI-19. This qualitative research based on the case-study that has five informants with different background ranging from elementary until high school education background, occupation, age, and the environment they live in. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews with the informants and conducting literature studies from various sources. The result of this study reveal that domestic violence victims in Malang Regency initially chose to remain silent regarding the cases of domestic vionce they experienced because they tried to maintain their marriage in the hope that if the victim was silent the perpetrator would change. In addition, the victim also thinks about the good name of the perpetrator both in the eyes of the victim�s family and in the eyes of peolple who know the preperator. For the victims, the pain they feel is nothing compared to the disgrace they will endure if the issue of domestic violence they experience spreads to many people. On the other hand, the victims also think about the fate of their children if their parents are separated, therefore they choose to survive even though in the end they give up and report the violence that happened to them to Polres Malang. On the other hand, the impact that occurs on domestic violence victims are their health condition after experiencing violence which out of the five victims experienced physical, psychological, and reproductive healt impacts. Physically, they have various wounds on their body, while psychologically they often feels afraid because the prepetrator threatens them, and on reproductive health, one of the victims had a miscarriage at the age of seventh weeks.

Kata Kunci : KDRT, upaya bertahan, pernikahan, dampak kesehatan

  1. S2-2022-467018-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-467018-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-467018-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-467018-title.pdf