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DEWI AVIVA A Z, Dr. Nur Rokhman, S.Si., M.Kom.


Latar Belakang: Pengelolaan rekam medis sudah dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi informasi. Salah satu dampaknya adalah penggunaan tanda tangan digital sebagai bukti keabsahan RME. CV Sahabat Mediacom merupakan perusahaan pengembang SIMRS yang sedang dalam proses untuk menerapkan tanda tangan digital sebagai bukti keabsahan RME di RSUD Nyi Ageng Serang. Pemenuhan atas unsur kepastian hukum tersebut harus dapat dipastikan terpenuhi sampai dengan tahap pelaksanaan tanda tangan digital. Tujuan: Mendeskripsikan penerapan tanda tangan digital dan mengidentifkasi aspek hukum serta sosioteknis sebagai bukti keabsahan RME di RSUD Nyi Ageng Serang. Metode: Jenis penelitian deskriptif pendekatan kualitatif, rancangan penelitian studi kasus. Subjek penelitian yaitu 2 karyawan dan 1 direktur CV Sahabat Mediacom, 4 dokter pelaksana tanda tangan digital, 1 kepala RM. Objeknya yaitu RME yang ditandatangani secara elektronik. Hasil: Pelaksanaan tanda tangan elektronik pada RME di RSUD Nyi Ageng Serang baru terlaksana dalam bentuk scan. RS terkendala dana sehingga belum bisa mengajukan permohonan tanda tangan digital ke kominfo. Tanda tangan dalam bentuk scan belum memiliki sertifkat elektronik yang dikeluarkan BSrE sehingga belum memiliki kekuatan hukum meskipun BPJS mengakui tanda tangan tersebut. Para user SIMRS mendukung proses penerapan dan teknologi yang diberikan memudahkan kinerja petugas. Kesimpulan: Penerapan tanda tangan digital belum dilaksanakan dan rekam medis elektronik tidak sah. Aspek sosioteknis mendukung proses ini. RS perlu memberi pemahaman konsep tanda tangan digital dan pemerintah perlu membuat aturan RME.

Background: Management of medical records has been influenced by the IT development. One of the impacts is the use of digital signatures as a proof of the validity of EMR. CV Sahabat Mediacom is a SIMRS development company that is in the process of implementing digital signature as proof of the validity of the EMR at RSUD Nyi Ageng Serang. The fulfillment of the element of legal certainty must be ensured to be fulfilled until the stage of implementing the digital signature. Purpose: Describe the application of digital signatures and socio-technical aspects as evidence of the validity of EMR at RSUD Nyi Ageng Serang. Methods: This type of research was descriptive qualitative approach, case study research design. The research subjects were 2 employees and 1 director of CV Sahabat Mediacom, 4 doctors implementing digital signatures, 1 head medical records unit. The object is an electronically signed EMR. Results:The implementation of the electronic signature on the EMR at RSUD Nyi Ageng Serang has only been carried out in the form of a scan. The hospital is constrained by funds so it has not been able to apply for a digital signature to the kominfo. The signature in the scanned form does not yet have an electronic certificate by the BSrE so that is does not yet have legal force eventhough BPJS has acknowledged the signature. SIMRS users support the implementation process and the technology provided makes it easier for officer to perform. Conclusion: The application of digital signatures has not been implemented and electronic medical records are not valid. The sociotechnical aspects support this process. RS needs to provide an understanding of the concept of digital signatures and the government needs to make RME rules.

Kata Kunci : Tanda Tangan Digital, Keabsahan, Rekam Medis Elektronik

  1. D4-2022-450712-abstract.pdf  
  2. D4-2022-450712-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D4-2022-450712-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D4-2022-450712-title.pdf