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Peran Anxiety Sensitivity & Intolerance of Uncertainty terhadap Kecenderungan Cyberchondria terkait Pandemi Covid-19 pada Mahasiswa

TRIYUNI LESTARI, Dra. Muhana Sofiati Utami, M.S., Ph.D.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 PSIKOLOGI

Peningkatan perilaku pencarian informasi kesehatan melalui internet selama pandemi Covid-19 mengacu pada kecenderungan individu mengalami cyberchondria--pola perilaku individu dalam mencari informasi kesehatan online terus-menerus, eksesif, mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari hingga meningkatkan distress. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran anxiety sensitivity dan intolerance of uncertainty dalam memprediksi terjadinya cyberchondria terkait Covid-19 pada mahasiswa dengan melibatkan 129 mahasiswa (M usia= 20,73 tahun, SD=1,67). Hasil analisis menggunakan teknik regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa anxiety sensitivity dan intolerance of uncertainty secara bersama-sama berperan terhadap terjadinya cyberchondria terkait Covid-19 (R2=0,264, F(2,127)=22,637, p<0,01). Analisis lanjutan menunjukkan bahwa anxiety sensitivity memberikan sumbangan efektif terhadap cyberchondria (Beta=0,413, t(127)=5,298, p<0,01), sedangkan intolerance of uncertainty tidak memberikan sumbangan terhadap cyberchondria terkait Covid-19 (Beta= -0,014, t(127)= -0,01 , p>0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anxiety sensitivity berperan sebagai prediktor terhadap cyberchondria, sedangkan intolerance of uncertainty tidak berperan dalam meprediksi cyberchondria terkait Covid-19 pada mahasiswa.

The increase in health information-seeking behavior on internet during the Covid-19 pandemic refers to the tendency of individuals experiencing cyberchondria--a pattern of individual behavior in seeking health information online that is persistent, excessive, disrupts daily activities, and increases level of distress. Anxiety sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty are believed to be individual risk factors of health anxiety--highly related to cyberchondria. This study aims to examine the role of anxiety sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty in predicting the occurrence of cyberchondria related to Covid-19 in university students in Indonesia involving 129 university students (M age=20.73 years, SD=1.67). The analysis results using multiple regression shows that anxiety sensitivity and intolerance of uncertainty simultaneously predicted the occurrence of cyberchondria related to Covid-19, R2=.264, F(2,127)=22.637, p<0.01. Further analysis shows that anxiety sensitivity significantly contributed to an effective contribution in cyberchondria related to Covid-19, Beta=0.413, t(127)=5.298, p<0.01, while intolerance of uncertainty did not contribute to cyberchondria related to Covid-19, Beta= -0,014, t(127)= -0,01 , p>0,05). Conclusion of the study is anxiety sensitivity plays a role as a predictor of cyberchondria while intolerance of uncertainty does not play a role in predicting cyberchondria related to Covid-19 in college students.

Kata Kunci : cyberchondria, anxiety sensitivity, intolerance of uncertainty, Covid-19

  1. s1-2022-424521-abstract.pdf  
  2. s1-2022-424521-bibliography.pdf  
  3. s1-2022-424521-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. s1-2022-424521-title.pdf