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Analisis Kekuatan Support pada Pengiriman Underframe Tanpa Bogie di PT INDUSTRI KERETA API (Persero)

AIRLANGGA KUSUMA B, Radhian Krisnaputra, S.T., M.Eng.

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D3 TEKNIK MESIN

Pada tahun 2021, PT INDUSTRI KERETA API (Persero) mendapat proyek underframe flat wagon yang dipesan oleh UGL Rail Australia untuk pemakaian di Selandia Baru sebagai kereta pengangkut barang. Namun berbeda dari proyek sebelumnya, underframe tidak dikirim bersamaan dengan bogie. Untuk menyangga underframe selama pengiriman, dirancang sebuah support yang akan disusun bersamaan dengan underframe. Untuk meminimalkan kemungkinan gagal saat pengiriman, perlu dilakukan analisis static structural pada bagian support dengan menggunakan Finite Element Method. Beberapa parameter yang perlu disimulasikan antara lain adalah distribusi beban, tegangan yang diderita support, dan factor of safety. Dimulai dengan perancangan support menggunakan salah satu software CAD, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan susunan underframe beserta support. Lalu semua model diimpor ke dalam software FEM untuk dilakukan material assignment berupa baja EN10025 S355J2 dan ASTM A572, meshing dengan ukuran elemen sebesar 200 mm, boundary condition berupa gravitasi dan enam buah fixed support, dan tiga tipe analisis yaitu force reaction, equivalent stress, dan factor of safety. Setelah dilakukan simulasi statis, diketahui bahwa semua support dapat menyangga underframe tanpa terjadi deformasi permanen. Keenam support masing-masing menyangga kurang lebih satu ton massa dari total 16 ton massa underframe. Tegangan maksimum yang diderita oleh support berada di rentang 20 MPa � 59 MPa dengan tegangan rata-rata berkisar antara 5 MPa � 6 MPa. Factor of safety berada pada angka 5 � 15 yang sudah termasuk aman untuk penggunaan seperti pada proyek kali ini.

In 2021, PT INDUSTRI KERETA API (Persero) received an underframe flat wagon project ordered by UGL Rail Australia for usage in New Zealand as a freight train. However, unlike previous projects, the underframe is not shipped with the bogie. To support the underframe during shipping, a support is designed which will be arranged together with the underframe. To minimize the possibility of failure during delivery, it is necessary to carry out a static structural analysis of the supports using Finite Element Method. Several parameters that need to be simulated include load distribution, stress suffered by the support, and factor of safety. Starting with the designing supports using one of the CAD software, then proceed with making the arrangement of the underframe along with the support. Then all models are imported into FEM software for material assignment which are EN10025 S355J2 and ASTM A572 steel, meshing, with an element size of 200 mm, boundary conditions in the form of gravity and six fixed supports, and three types of analysis, which includes force reaction, equivalent stress, and factor of safety. After doing the static simulation, it is known that all supports can support the underframe without permanent deformation. All six supports each receive approximately one tonne of mass out of a total of 16 tons of underframe mass. The maximum stress suffered by the support is in the range of 20 MPa � 59 MPa with the average stress ranging from 5 MPa � 6 MPa. The factor of safety is between 5-15 which is considered safe to use in this project.

Kata Kunci : Finite Element Method, Static Structural, load distribution, safety rating, equivalent stress.

  1. D3-2021-432266-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2021-432266-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2021-432266-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2021-432266-title.pdf