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Analisis Genetik Bakteri Ekskresi Amonium Tinggi Dyadobacter sp. GMA 6

ANINDA SIDAR, Ir. Jaka Widada M.P., PhD.


Bakteri pemfiksasi nitrogen dapat mengubah dinitrogen (N2) menjadi amonium (NH4+) yang dikatalisasi oleh nitrogenase. Pada beberapa bakteri, amonium yang dihasilkan dapat berdifusi keluar sel dan dimanfaatkan oleh organisme lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk megetahui kemampuan ekskresi amonium isolat GMA 6, identifikasi filogenetik, dan gen yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas nitrogenase serta ekskresi amonium. Uji kemampuan ekskresi amonium dilakukan dengan reagen nessler dan spektrofotometer, identifikasi filogenetik serta gen yang berhubungan dengan nitrogenase dan ekskresi amonium diperoleh dari hasil WGS (Whole Genomic Sequencing) dan karakterisasi dilakukan dengan analisis in silico. Hasil uji ekskresi amonium menunjukkan isolat GMA 6 dapat mengekresikan amonium sebesar 0,8 mM pada jam ke-96. Berdasarkan hasil WGS diketahui GMA 6 sebagai Dyadobacter sp yang diduga merupakan spesies baru. dan memiliki gen yang diduga berhubungan dengan fiksasi nitrogen dan ekskresi amonium.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are microorganisms that are capable of converting dinitrogen (N2) into ammonium (NH4+) catalyzed by nitrogenase. For some bacteria, the released ammonium are diffused out of the cell and be utilized by other organisms. The purposes of this study are to observe the ability of GMA 6 isolate in ammonium excretion, to analyse the phylogenetic tree and to identify the genes involved in nitrogenase activity as well as ammonium excretion. The ammonium excretion test was carried out using Nessler's reagent and a spectrophotometer. Phylogenetic analysis and identification of genes related to nitrogenase and ammonium excretion were obtained from the results of WGS (Whole Genomic Sequencing). Characterization was carried out using in silico analysis. The results of the ammonium excretion test showed that GMA 6 isolate produced 0.8 mM of ammonium in 96 hour. Based on the WGS results, GMA 6 was known as Dyadobacter sp suspected as a new species and was predicted to carry genes associated with nitrogen fixation as well as ammonium excretion.

Kata Kunci : Amonium, Nitrogen, Whole Genome Sequencing, Dyadobacter sp,Ammonium, Nitrogen, Whole Genome Sequencings, Dyadobacter sp