Laporkan Masalah


FUAD KHOIRIL M, Nunuk Dwi Retnandari, Dr., MSi


Perubahan sosial di segala bidang dapat berpotensi terjadinya konflik sosial. Kondisi Kabupaten Sleman yang beragam tentunya sangat berpengaruh positif dalam percepatan pembangunan di Kabupaten Sleman. Potensi konflik sosial harus dikelola dengan baik melalui program Reksa Desa (Gerakan Desa Deteksi Cegah. Dini menuju Desa Aman). Reksa Desa ini berbasis pada kemandirian warga masyarakat bersama-sama pemerintah kalurahan menciptakan imunitas dalam lingkungannya dari segala bentuk permasalahan yang berpotensi konflik sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji terbentuknya sinergitas antar stakeholders dalam program Reksa Desa. Selain itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor penghambat dan faktor pendukung sinergitas stakeholders dalam program Reksa Desa di Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskritif kuantitatif-kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua Kalurahan yaitu Kalurahan Lumbungrejo, dan Kalurahan Pondokrejo, Kapanewon Tempel, Kabupaten Sleman. Komponen data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pertama menggunakan data primer dari wawancara langsung di lokasi penelitian, dan kedua menggunakan data sekunder dari studi pustaka berupa buku, website, jurnal, dan dokumen pemerintah. Hasil dari. penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sinergitas. antar stakeholders dalam program Reksa Desa ditemukan dalam 5 (lima) indikator (struktur jaringan komunikasi, hubungan timbal balik/respon, ukuran standar dan prosedur kegiatan, kerja sama/koordinasi dan kepercayaan antar pihak) yang diuji terhadap 4 (empat) stakeholders memperoleh nilai rata-rata 75%, artinya bahwa tingkat sinergitas stakeholders dalam program Reksa Desa di Kabupaten Sleman sudah tergolong baik. Sedangkan faktor yang mendukung sinergitas antar stakeholders dalam program Reksa Desa ada 3 antara lain kekuasaan, kewenangan dan kepentingan. Faktor yang menghambat sinergitas antar stakeholders dalam program Reksa Desa ialah konflik dan sengketa.

The social changes in Sleman Regency which is diverse with various ethnic, religious, racial and cultural backgrounds can potentially occur social conflicts. The potential for social conflict must be managed properly through the Reksa Desa (Early Prevention Detection Village Movement towards Secure Village). The Reksa Desa is based on the independence of the community togetherness with the village government to create immunity from all of the problems that have social conflict potential. This research aims to analyze and review of stakeholders synergy in the Reksa Desa. furthermore, this study also aims to analyze inhibitor factors and supporting factors of stakeholders synergy in the Reksa Desa. The research used descriptive quantitative-qualitative (mix methods). The research locations are in 2 villages named Lumbungrejo village, and Pondokrejo village, Tempel district, Sleman Regency. The data collection techniques were done by using interview, observation, literature study and documentation. The data analysis used is data presentation, data reduction and drawing conclusions technique. This study used two component types of data; First, the primary data obtained. from the interview directly at the research field. Second, the secondary data. obtained from the study of libraries in the form of books, literature reviews, journals, websites, research papers, undergraduate studies and government documents. The results. of this study showed that stakeholders synergy in the Reksa Desa was founded in 5 variables (communication network structure, reciprocal relationship / response, standard of size and procedure of activities, cooperation / coordination and trust between stakeholders) which was tested against 4 stakeholders gained an average of 75%, this score of value indicates to a conclusion that the level of stakeholders synergy in the Reksa Desa is quite good. There are 3 supporting factors of stakeholders synergy in the Reksa Desa including; power, legitimacy and interests. The factors of inhibit stakeholders synergy in the Reksa Desa are conflicts and disputes.

Kata Kunci : Reksa Desa, Stakeholder, Synergy

  1. S2-2021-437416-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-437416-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-437416-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-437416-title.pdf